Monday, August 26, 2024

 I'm done with this virus.  Unbelievable that the year is over half finished and it's been focused on nothing but sickness. That sickness includes the sanity of trump and the people who support him. Going out of my house now is just a big deal and not worth it.  I don't get dressed up, I don't think about going for a drink with my husband, let alone going out to eat.  I am so over this.

Right now I'm sitting with three middle school boys who are doing their school online.  That's not what they signed up for, but that's just the way it is right now.  I am making sure they stay focused and do their work.  Not an easy task.  Just sayin'.  

I've also been  pretty apathetic.  My feelings are dull and calloused and I try to get lost in mindless tv shows or shopping.    I think it's okay with me for now, but the weird thing is, the other night I was listening to a mediation recording, and the guy said "time out of time" and I started crying.  Not a heavy duty cry, just a sort of weeping.  Where the tears came from, I don't know, but at least for a short amount of time, I felt something.  


Sunday, day whatever of trying to stay home.  

This morning however, my focus is not on the virus but on this election year. Maybe the two are interchangeable right now though.

In any case, I've started going down a rabbit hole of negativity and hopelessness about the future. Clearly, I need to make sure the state of the country is not a part of my happiness. 

I have let myself get caught up in social media's constant tsunami of hateful words, which of course affect one's psyche. It's difficult to change that but I'm starting to see it as a tool to help me change my thoughts, which eventually will contribute to changing me. 

I'm starting to realize that an important part of happiness is finding joy in the present moment. But my mind does a lot of time travel. For example, I wake up in the morning and almost immediately begin thinking about the day ahead. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ghosts of Self Past

Sitting here on a mattress in our once dining room I'm listening to an incredible cd my friend Jimmy made for me as a good-bye gift.  It's crazy the way he knows my taste in music.  I've always said music is my second language. I'm looking over at our once living room and although it's empty I see a lonely, lost woman who is separated from her husband of thirty years.  She realizes how much she still loves him no matter what he's done.  Perhaps God just gifted her with the realization that He put that unconditional love inside humans.  In any case, she realizes she wants him back.  He still loves her, comes over, and she sees him for the first time; again. 

I now see, instead of this mattress and box spring I'm sitting on, a room with a giant dining table. The lights are soft and gentle so everyone around the table looks beautiful, flawless. There are smiles on their faces and laughter echos as they chat and share.  In the corner by the table is a high chair with an adorable little boy, food all over his lovely little body, but crying for yet more cream.

Looking over by the white brick fireplace I see two adorable kids, a boy and girl, on Christmas Eve, adults are busy talking and drinking red wine and eating all sorts of delac. There's a fire in the fireplace and snow is on the ground outside..a lot of snow. 

Continue to rewind and I see a home filled with kids, teen kids.  It's New Years Eve 1999 and of course Prince is blaring on the stereo...yeah, you know what he's singing over and over; "1999"!  There's a ping pong table in the basement, kids there too....running through the house.  It's theirs for one night, to do what they want.  Guess what?  They didn't trash it. 

Memories flash before me as I stare at all the vacant spaces and empty walls.  But the walls have their own stories they can never really tell, unless of course you listen very, very hard and carefully. Then you'll hear, I promise.  This home has a life of it's own.  A little odd that it seems almost human.  Almost angel like.  It's taken lots of love and affection.  It's let me decorate her walls with whatever I wanted...and she was always grateful, always carried the fashions well....exceptionally well.  It's also been abused...walls hit out of anger...(oh don't act so shocked).  Doors slammed...But it always came back in a stunning and beautiful statement that said, "I still love you, I'll still make you feel as safe as possible." 

It's been said that home is where the heart is.  I'm leaving a bit of my heart here as I leave, sort of like a time capsule.