Why do I find that annoying? I guess I was like that about sunny days when I lived in the Midwest. I totally realize now, how the lack of sun altered a happy, cheerful attitude in the years I spent living in the middle of the country.

Sitting here typing, the rain is spitting down, the dark clouds feel like an atmospheric depression, especially when I look out at my beautiful mountains. (I use the term "my" loosely.) We are doing construction on our home so when I got home from work today, the dogs were wet and smelly. They had access to the house, which was strategically partitioned off to protect the workers from our over protective, over assertive four legged family members. So, I quickly try to lead them upstairs as they are barking, jumping, and being overjoyed at my return. Usually it's a delight to be greeted with such enthusiasm. Not today, nope, it was almost unbearable; trying to keep the chairs where they were so as not to attack the men, but yet trying to herd them up the steps to closed off safety, free from the wet, free from causing any over zealous harm.

So, we're still here, in the bedroom upstairs, all four of us. The room has the undeniable smell of wet dog,

everything sort of feels damp, and fortunately I was able to suck up the dust and dog hair with my little electric broom.
But the good news is, my loving dogs are all worn out from, well, from everything. They are quietly lounging around, probably happy to have some comfy place to lie, instead of concrete or tile floor. (Except of course, Milo, my only male. He keeps trying to look out the window, if he hears a noise he paces the floor, and he is very needy for my attention. Figures right? The only male! Restless!)
Did I mention we're having construction done on our house? Yeah, well, it's been going on for a month, a month today. Try to get the whole picture; the rain, the dogs, the small space, the smell, the insipid grey we and the temperature. It's not "cold", nor is it "warm". It's that damp, yucky feeling you get when you just can't get warm, but if you put on too many clothes, you're uncomfortable.

I've gone on enough...It feels really good to just get it out. The house is actually starting to take shape, I can pretty much see glimpses of that dream house I wanted before we started demolishing and getting drywall dust in our food, hair, clothing, and of course shoes. It's the weekend and I'm out of my old friend red, gotta go to the store. If there are any type-o's here, please forgive..I just don't really want to edit. Have a great weekend!