Sometimes people of my particular faith begrudge and look down upon people with specific addictions. These same people can be overweight simply because they eat more than their body and their energy level requires. Why would they do that? Yeah, for the same reason I ate the cup cake and five pieces of pizza for the same reason some people take tokes of marijuana, and for the same people want an alcoholic buzz Because it felt good to have taste buds sparked and ignited. Feeling good. Isn't that why addictions happen, or are maintained? Yes it is.

So, why then, do people of faith look down on people who are addicted to feel good drugs or alcohol? Don't even tell me because other people in their lives aren't affected by their over indulgence. It's not true. Most people who are overweight to the degree of being obese admit that they are not themselves. They sometimes will say that they are lost on a body that doesn't feel like them. I'm really ready to get a discussion going. I don't get it. There are preachers who obviously are overweight to an unhealthy degree, who preach against alcohol or drugs...but over eating is not mentioned. Why? Please tell me. Being overweight is life threatening.

Gluttony is defined as excessive eating or excessive indulgence. I remember a person I used to know commented on facebook about some comment I made. "Are you drunk?" he asked in all his glorious preacher splendor.

Yet he is obviously overweight to the extent most doctors would consider to be obese. It doesn't make sense to me. Why are there certain sins we like to discuss and others swept under the rug and not even brought up from the pulpit? I'm totally open for civil discussion.