Thursday, July 22, 2021

Rape, Murder, and the Bible

 I think I have had writers block.  Actually I think I have had an "everything" block for a while.  You know, just surviving 2020. So, (deep sigh)where to begin.  And then there's the election, how about that??? Maybe start there.

Being the passionate person that I am, and a lot of people are just like me, I have been deeply affected by this election. As a matter of fact I have been deeply affected by the last four years in this country.  I believe I have watched it being taken over by a narcissist who caters to religious groups who want to legislate morality.  Now there ya go, that's a good topic.  

Lately I have been seriously thinking about the bible and how 'christians' believe they know it so well, about  how it is a book to live by. The bible is supposed to reveal a loving God who loves his children.  Yet there are so many questionable stories in the bible one wonders what sort of god is this god of the bible.  Take for instance the killing of all first born Egyptian boys in the book of Exodus.  God ordered it, God did it, and it was done.  Seriously? And yet Christians base their whole vote on which candidate will be against abortion.  "God hates the murder of innocent lives" they say, "you can't be a Christian and vote for someone who is pro-choice" they say.  The logic just isn't there or they justify it and say God can do what God wants to do.  His ways are higher than our ways yada yada.  

And then there's the story in the bible Judges of how a concubine of a Levite was raped. This is an exert written by Hannah Wilkinson | November 28, 2018;

"A professor in my program recently assigned a reading and reflection on Judges 19, which recounts the rape, torture, and murder of an unnamed woman. The unnamed woman is identified as the concubine of a Levite guest staying at an old man’s home for a night. A mob arrives, demanding to rape the Levite guest, but the owner of the home intervenes. He offers up his daughter and the guest’s concubine to the angry crowd instead. They then rape and kill the unnamed woman.

Later, her “husband” cuts her body into twelve pieces and sends the pieces to the twelve tribes of Israel in order to highlight the atrocity."

How could a good god let that happen? It was an innocent life. According to bible believers, the bible is the infallible word of God.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wednesday Night Musings

 Why is it that life can throw some hard punches when you least expect it?  I mean, it usually is when you least expect it right?

Without getting into the specifics, I'll just write.  It's not a punch to me, it's to someone I care about deeply.  The thing that makes it more difficult than if it had been me is that I have absolutely no control over this whole damn thing.  I can't fix it.

But I sit here and think melancholy thoughts about life and how fast it goes by.  My granddaughter is going away to college, and a new granddaughter will enter this world in July.  A baby is born, and someone on the same day dies...I mean that's life, right? 

 Life and death.  We'd like some miracle to keep untimely losses from happening, but it doesn't happen, the miracle just doesn't happen.  Meanwhile someone is praising God for their miracle and someone else is devastated because what they knocked themselves out praying for,   didn't happen.  What's with that?  Some will say God is sovereign, but I don't buy that.  That makes no sense if God is supposed to be a loving god.

I have been deconstructing some very bad doctrine I've had most of my life.  But, I've been in the deconstructing mode of my faith for about twenty years now.  Maybe it's time to reconstruct.  Right after my dad died, I woke up one night to his voice.  I heard his voice with my ears. It was actually,  little creepy.  Right after I woke up a sort of banner went across my mind, "Don't give up your faith, you're on the right track." 

 Funny, I thought I had spiritually arrived.  Since that night the questions haven't ceased. My theory is, if God is so powerful and loving, then God can handle my questions.  

I had a dream last night that I was travelling and lost my plane ticket. That's something to ponder, don't you think?

 Okay, so that's it for now.  At least I wrote this much.  2020 has been one hell of a year.  I wonder what 2021 is going to bring. 

"Celebrate we will, cause life is short but sweet for certain.

We climb on two by two 

to make sure these days continue." dmb