The fact that my dear sister is so opposite me as far as her beliefs in politics is sometimes painful to me. Her fundamental view from the rose tinted glasses of the religious right wing is understandable. But I am far from that. I'll get to the point; birth control and the recent election. It angers me to no end to hear men, of all people, talk about birth control. Rick Santorum is against birth control. Hmmmm, maybe because his body doesn't carry the child for 9 months and then have the main responsibility for caring for that child for the rest of his/her life. I am not for late term abortions. I think that is inexcusable. If a woman is pregnant, she knows right away. Her first missed period should tell her something is not right.
One of Santorum's main supporters said that a woman should just "keep her legs together'. OMG...God help me on replying to THAT one.
FRIESS:" On this contraceptive thing, my gosh, it’s so inexpensive. You know, back in my days, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly."

It's very disheartening when I read things like this. I'm so sick of the right wing taking things into their hands and brain washing Christians to think that abortion is the ultimate sin. I am so discouraged! When I was 16 I thought I was pregnant. The thought terrified me. Not only would it have devastated me, what would it have done to my parents??? I would have been such an embarassment to them, a disapointment! So I told my boyfriend to hit me, to hit me really hard in the stomach so that I could miscarry. Was I really pregnant? I'm not sure. Probably not, but I thought I could have been.
When has man ever thought he was pregnant?

I guess I'm venting, but his is so disturbing to me. If I say I'm for choice, I'm considered a back slider, if I tell the truth and say that I don't believe life begins at conception, I'm also a backslider. And if Catholics believe it's all up to God, then don't take medications. If you do, you're interfering with God's will. Geeeez.
Okay, done....there ya have it......
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