However, it relates to what I want to write about. That is, dogma that oozes everywhere out of religious circles. Dogma, not to be confused with practices. I have a Catholic background. At least up until I was about 13. Really, I was exposed to this religion at a very, very formidable age so it sticks in my memory like when you get permanent marker on your clothes. That's why I wanted to look into where Lent originated and see if it is something I'd like to do this year.
I'll try to make this short. Anyway, this morning I was curious . I looked up the 'origins' and found, of course, a lot of information. The information that was most disturbing was that of some Christian site condemning Lent and saying how it does no go along with "the bible". Of course I was on the defensive. Only because I started thinking about what really does go "along with the bible". Let's talk about the commandments. You know the ones...the ten we, as believers most often like to quote.
But according to the Jewish commandments there are 613. In Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy the "court" has the command to execute by decapitation, strangling, burning and stoning.

Yep, if you want the exact reference in the bible, let me know. Or look it up yourself. There is also a clear command not to divorce. In any case, I do believe that bible is the "inspired word of God" written by humans. If religions are going to "only go by the bible" maybe it should be thought out a little bit more in depth rather than trying to find material to back up a way to control people with fear.

There are horror stories of rape, murders and lies in the bible. Whatever you want to find, it's there. So why do so called "educated" (???) believers say things like:
"People who observe Lent may be religious, dedicated and sincere—but they are sincerely wrong.
Let’s examine Lent, its practices and customs, its historic and religious origins, and its true meaning from the Bible’s perspective, not from the “traditions of men” (Mark 7:7-9).
( http://rcg.org/articles/ttmol.html)
That quote was from the Restored Church of God denomination. And yes, I go to a Church of God. (However, I really don't hear any of that nonsense from the pulpit. It's a great church that pretty much sticks with Jesus and how great is/was.) Still, it is disturbing that so many religious organizations turn their opinions into the "Bible's perspective".
I associate myself as a follower of Christ Jesus. I believe he was/is God in the flesh. I believe his physical body came back to life after a pretty horrific death on a cross. I believe he was born from a woman who had never had sex, yet she became pregnant. (I know, it's really hard to swallow that one.)

And as with these mysteries that can't be explained in any way, shape or form, I look at the bible as being a mystery as well.

To try and figure out why a loving God approved of murdering animals and humans alike is a mystery to me. To try and figure out why God told Abraham to take his son and tie him down and kill him sure makes me wonder what the hell was going on and why did God tell him that? Is God some type of sadist? I mean, when I think of God telling me to do that to my only son I would totally say, "Are you freakin' kidding me???? NO WAY I"LL DO THAT! THAT MUST BE THE VOICE OF THE DEVIL." Right? I mean really? If you're honest, you would say the same thing.
So why is that in the bible. Oh yeah right....to teach obedience. Obedience is better than sacrifice yada yada yada.....Still, did God have to do that to Abraham to "test" him? What does that say about the character of God. Forget looking at ourselves and our ability or desire to "obey" God. Look at God in that story. Why?
Enough about that. I choose to believe that I love a good God, a loving God, a God who wants me to love him back on my own free will without threats of pain and suffering. I mean, there's enough of that already, and I think God knows that well enough. When I was a new Christian, when I first decided that Christianity was what I wanted to believe and associate myself with, it was because someone told me to look at Jesus, to look really hard at Jesus.
And that I did. Wham, it happened. I saw a love I had never seen before. A love that loved me back. A love that broke my five year smoking addiction. (two packs a day) in a moment. (I didn't even want to quit, but I couldn't smoke after that decision. It made me physically sick.) I looked at Jesus and found something that words can't describe. Jesus basically said to me that he would take my hand, lead me through a pretty rough life. He said that it was going to be a crazy ride but that HE would be there for me. I might not be able to see him, but he promised me he would be there. And he has. In my darkest hour, in my happiest, most joyful accomplishments. Just let me say, it is a love strong enough that has kept me going for decades.

Take my eyes off Jesus and what I see is division, hatred, silly opinions of mysteries too great for our small minds, and I see no hope.
There ya have it. My ramblings on why believers might want to consider keeping focused on what Jesus said. Anything else is just a practice, like Lent. That's enough to make it a lifetime study.
As you are
As you were
As I want you to be
As a trend
As a friend
As an old enemy
Take your time
Hurry up
The choice is yours don’t be late…"
Kurt Cobain
Have a great Saturday!
(thanks Laura on fb for all the great images!!)
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