Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hey! What About the GOOD News???

Going through facebook as I'm taking a break from a little remodel we're doing, it dawns on me that some very old Christian acquaintances are not spreading the "good news" at all. They're spreading fear, disrespect, no hope, hate and the list goes on.  Some, (are you ready for this?) SOME even used to back the donald.  (as in Trump)  Maybe they don't anymore, but still, anyone with a brain would have known that Trump is not exactly a sane person.  He is egotistical and hedonistic..that's it.  He  spreads hate on so many levels.

However, I'm going to try and not ramble.  My point of writing this is to say that it's very sad to see people who used to be filled with love and acceptance buying into the silly political machine that has them believing the world is evil and everyone who isn't in their club just needs to be avoided.  That's why I am not connected with them.  Mainly it's their decision; which I totally understand.

I don't hate them, I don't even really dislike most of them.  I am however, utterly disappointed that they wound up like little political robots not thinking for themselves.  The odd thing is that they think they have the answer to every little thing they say they believe. They have an answer for God.  No mysteries, just answers and fear and disrespect.  The worst part about it is that they spread this fear and hatred to their children.  It's understandable though.

Well, I probably should avoid reading their comments. I have no idea why I do other than they were a huge part of my life when I was younger.  People go their separate ways.  The thing is, the people who have traveled and experience life, learn more than those who haven't. They seem wiser, more tolerant and filled with compassion.  It's just an observation I see.

With that I'll go back to my dirty rehab job.  Have a great day and until next time...keep looking up, keep loving, keep living. There's  a lot of love out there.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday Night Ponderings

It's beginning to sort of rain here in the Sonoran Desert.

 I love the desert because it barely rains, and having the sun shine is usually something you can count on.  I love that!  But life goes on.  It rains, and people or things that you love die.    My little friend is senile now.

She gets lost in corners and has very little control of her bladder or bowels.  In my opinion, I can't play God and kill her for my inconvenience of having to clean up her messes.  I live pretty much day by day and my happiness is dependent on my own making.  That's why  it's necessary to think outside of my own little white, middle class box.

The lightening is really beautiful.  It reminds me that there  is a power bigger than me no matter what insecure, arrogant atheists say.

For God's sake (no pun intended) I sure can't make beautiful lights in the sky.Neither can you! Don't even tell me that you can make lightening in the sky.  Not like what I'm seeing right now.  You would totally be lying.

There are certain things in life I must accept.  For instance...I only get one shot at this ! And I really don't have control over anyone or anything except myself.

Sometimes that's a difficult pill to swallow.  I would love to have say over so many other things and people other than myself.  Oh what a wonderful life that would be.  But I don't.  And that's just a fact.   So I will make the most of today and live in the moment.  Because honestly, that's all there is.