The first twenty or more years of a boy's life he spends trying to cut the apron strings.

After that, his life develops, his thoughts become his own decisions and he is walking, one step at a time, on his own. No one is helping him really.

He finds a soul mate, a partner, a beautiful wife who loves him endlessly, through thick and thin, good times bad times, you know the vows.

After that first twenty years then, a mother starts to really, really let go.

You know the saying, "A daughter is a daughter all her life.A son is a son until he takes a wife." Lots of truth in that. But let me indulge on some motherly sentiments. A mother's love is probably the closest to God's love I've ever experienced.

That's how it was with my mother. I say that not because it's more powerful than a person and their soul mate. I say that because as a mother, I feel a little like God. I know, that sounds extremely arrogant. But it's true. If God loves us no matter what, that's what mothers do. Fortunately you are successful; at least you should know that you are. Maybe sometimes you think you 'could have, should have, would have', (or maybe not) but you need to know I am so proud of you; everything about you. The way you think, the way you are. NEVER doubt that.
I used to think we thought so much alike. I'm not so sure anymore. It's too presumptuous for me to think that. But we do like the same type of music. That's fantastic because music is my second language.
With that I'll close. Be patient with me. I'm getting older and although I may have a long time left; I may not.

So I think differently now. Just a little anyway. I'm trying to be better, I'm trying to be at peace with myself and God. It's going really well too. I'm probably happier than I've ever been. More confident, more at peace.

But one thing I want you always to remember: I'm proud of you, of your heart, of your mind, of your choices. Don't be too hard on yourself, but don't let yourself get away with a lot either. If you feel loved, which I hope you do, give it back to someone.

If you stop and think about how many people love, that's a lot of love. Take time to feel it. Then give it back to someone, anyone, but always give love. I love you son. Just wanted to let you know.
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