Ed walked into the center where I was a site coordinator and was open to being a part of our little school community. Students who would choose online school had the opportunity to come to me and do their work; more structure and I was there to help them stay on task. He was smallish, long, light brown hair, glasses. He settled in and soon I learned how brilliant he was. His ability to think and problem solve was incredible and his vocabulary far surpassed mine. Ed was an old soul in a young, fifteen year old body. Some days he would come in early and talk. He would tell me his problems, his dreams, so much.

Ed was a spitfire and in my opinion, was almost too intelligent. He had the emotions and body of a young teen, but the mind of someone far older than his age. I tried to tell him that love was the only answer when he would tell me things that annoyed him. And he always remembered. I told him if he didn't remember anything else, remember this; always move towards love.
He was at the site for about two years. I liked to say that I didn't have any favorites, but if I did.......
I have since switched jobs and am not there anymore. The site was closed. About a month ago I received a text from Ed's father saying that Ed said hi. It also said he had a girlfriend. I hadn't heard from Ed in about a year. Then last night, his father's text said that Ed was found dead on Saturday night, a gunshot wound to the head.

All I could do was sit and stare, cry a little and then say, "damn it Ed." I don't know why I said it, but I did. On the way to the gym and on the way home I thought of conversations, good times at the site and just little, day to day things about him. Death is so final. It hurts the ones who are left behind and changes their lives forever. I just can't imagine what his parents are going through, and the long journey of grief they have ahead of them. I just hope that wherever Ed is, he finds peace. He had so much promise here. I will greatly miss him, his wit, and his golden heart.

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