Someone once said that life goes like a railroad track. On one side there's always something good and on the other...well...you know the rest. Sometimes I keep forgetting and then when something contrary to the way I think life should happen actually happens, then I get wacked. right off the track. I've been on a sort of journey to the center of self the last ten years and it's definately NOT been boring. The good news is that I found this person inside of me that whispers "all is working out for my highest good, I am safe." No, I'm not in any sort of trouble or anything so don't let your mind wander...I'm just thinking and experiencing me.
I have found me. I like that. Years ago, I was sitting on the couch in my little living room and out of the blue I just said, "I'm lost." Just like that. Didn't think it, just said it. Weird. But I was lost, terribly lost and guess what? Now I'm found. Maybe not totally, maybe not every minute of the day. Maybe not at first when my foot gets stuck on the 'bad' side of the track. But for the most part I know who I am and I know who I want to be. I see my sins and try to turn from them. I see my positive side and I try to embrace that. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes I'm not. But I try. I have been brainwashing myself now for about 3 years, maybe more. Thinking bad thoughts about anything, and especially people, is something I'm washing out of my brain. So far, so good. Boundries are a whole 'nother blog though. But that was the word that came to my mind just now...loving with boundries.
Anyway, that's it for now....til next time...coming to you from the land of eternal sun.
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