Sitting here anxiously awaiting the keys to my new house, it's like I've been in this dream for almost a year. About a year ago both of our children were gone; moved out west. Even though my Kansas City home was at last made into our dream home, it was empty. Thus began our journey to relocate closer to family. Wow...I had no idea it would be so.....uh....what should I say? So difficult? I don't like to use negatives for anything, so maybe I could just say it was very challenging. We're almost home free. We closed today, signed all the papers, finalized all the insurance, warranties etc. And now, for some red tape reason, which everyone has explained to me over and over and I still don't get it other than lack of trust in our great society, we don't have the keys yet.
I do have the paint ordered and we're on our way to make it ours. YAY! I have another blog called spacesweetspace where I will visually document all the changes. In the meantime on this blog I'll focus on the emotions. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Being damn frustrated with realtors! Is it just in Arizona? Oh well...
My mother-in-law will be here from Israel in two weeks..yeah, that's right 2 weeks...as in 14 days. I want to be settled, painted and have a little time to sit and enjoy. We'll see, and for sure I'll keep you posted...In the meantime, thanks for reading my vents.
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