Do you think that romance comes maybe just once? Marriage is's not that first love thing. The first love experience is amazing. Sometimes I get 'corrected' about my idealistic, romantic views. Sort of like I should just grow up, be more mature. But I don't really pay attention. It's been too long to try and convince me that there isn't a better way than just settling. Maybe I'm just trying to catch the wind. Who knows? I had a dream last night that brought it up again. The age old question in my mind anyway....romance. Is it too late? Have I already had my taste and it's over? And do I care? Is there something more important? Life goes on and there are priorities. Like my relationships with my kids, my grandkids, my sisters, my husband. They keep my feet on the ground and have their share of romantic moments.
For the most part, at my age, I still long for the 'first kiss' moments. As unreal as they probably are, don't tell me you don't sort of wish for it as well.

I was a child of the 50's - 60's and my mother taught me about love, through her eyes of course. She told me not to have sex with anyone until I was married and that sex was totally about love. I finally realized that she was in her own world on that one. Yet the love part, well you guessed it, I can't shake it. I keep thinking and hoping. And yes, getting disapointed. Perhaps my expectations are too high? Who knows????
I really did have this dream last night that I was being 'romanced' a faceless person of course..but still. It was heavenly. Some people will say that it's the 'God hole" that has to be filled, and yes, they have a point. John Eldredge wrote a book called "Journey of Desire"; a great read. It talks about not ignoring your deepest desires and dismissing them as something to 'grow out of'...At least that's what I got out of it. As far as wanting something better, something more, something entirely beautiful in the relationship department, C.S. Lewis put it perfectly...He said that we know we are made for "more than this."
We were made to connect with our loves, the people we love...and when they don't connect with's so damn painful isn't it?

Happiness is definately a choice..but where does one decide that romance is out of the question? Unrealistic at 'this age'? Anyway, just venting...just venting.. This isn't a 'downer' blog. It's really just a question...a thought that I believe, most people think least women do anyway. Men are whole different species from where I stand. The desires we have are real, they shouldn't be ignored or dismissed. They are something that God put inside of us to send us a message. So there ya have it. I've probably gone on too long...but I did have this incedible dream.........................
Until next time...take care...keep looking up.
true romance and real romance are always available...the distinction is between what the ego says love and romance is, and the divine...which is way better than some cheap imitation.
ReplyDeleteJust thoughts
I could be way off base....