Our son visited this last weekend and it was amazing! Here we are, in a great new home and have already enjoyed a house full of family. Our daughter, her husband and their children, (OUR grandchildren) live here so they were here every day this weekend. We only live five minutes away from them anyway. My mother in law is here from Israel...all is well. Great times!
All however, was not without 'challenges'. My husband was driving back to the west from Chicago and was only about 40 miles from home when he had a blow out, he thinks he hit something...or something hit him, and BAM! both air bags went off, windshield shattered and a tire blew. He called me from what he said "the middle of no where" and needed help. That same day my daughter had to deal with some huge challenges as well....and, that same day my mother in law flew in from Israel. Lots happeneing. But I love that, and I'm up for the challenge.

Lately, I've been brain washing myself. As a matter of fact it's been years that I have been trying to change my perspective, respect my own and others boundries and basically take care of my own issues. I know it may sound simple...but believe me, it's not. Staying centered, knowing that God has given me all that I need to be at peace...(I am a huge fan and believe in and hopefully am a follower of Jesus...that's the life saver for me.)

So, I'm probably rambling, but my point is that life is beautiful and I am trying to embrace the challenges. I know, I know, I use escapes too...maybe eating too much, drinking too much...but my heart is open to accepting and loving unconditionally. Now that's a challenge. But it's worth the ride.
take care ya 'all....
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