At least freer than the structured schedule of the day.

Maybe because it's Friday and I know the alarm won't go off with it's usual annoying pitch at 5:30a.m.. But in these times I get a bit lost in my thoughts; in the past, what coulda been shoulda been. You know, you may go there too at times.

I've been thinking about the future too. The future of me and my death and my legacy. I want to leave my kids something. Anything. I believe we, in this western culture, are afraid of death.

We treat it like they treated the subject of sex in the 50's. Taboo. It's not taboo. It's a part of life.

Also at night things are a little more muddled. The line between here and there is a little more vague. I wish there were words for the feelings that go through me.

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