Yet I'm really numb. I think the main thing that describes how I feel is blah, dismal, and negative..Yeah, that's it..there is a tape of negative voices that are stuck on the replay button of my soul. The thing is, I feel incapacitated.

I mean there's not a lot of drama going on, otherwise I wouldn't eat My creativity has been nill the last few weeks and that speaks to me about the lethargy that seems to have taken over my psyche.

I had a long talk with my little sister and that was like a ray of sunshine through the thick murkiness. She has a way about her in that she can say just the right things at the right times in the right way. And when she goes on about the real truth of the matter, (ego is such a demanding creature) she doesn't get mad if I repy, "what the hell"?

It's been a while since I've written. I've tried several times,but ineveitably dont' finish. Having said that, maybe just some visuals and a other people's lyrics or words can help me express this shit I feel. Thanks for "listening'.....
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