I'm sick, really sick hearted at the hate I hear from so called christians; they're usually around my age, old and have had the vulnerability and idealism of youth washed out of their system for a while. I don't hear it so much from people under 45. I intentionally try not to read the news, or listen to political discussions anymore. It's useless, not because there aren't legitimate points, but because they are so unbelievably hateful about it that when I'm finished, I feel as if I was in the middle of a dog fight
. Someone very close to me posted on facebook how someone in her family is not getting the medication they need to ease their pain because of Obamacare. To me that's bullshit. It's propoganda from the greedy right wing. (I know..I sound as bad as they are only on the other end.) These are people who profess to "love the lord with all their heart" are worried that money will run out, the government will take it from them ..or someone else will get it instead of them. (Because it is their hard earned money dontchaknow.) I'm assuming they aren't taking seriously the whole teaching of Jesus. I'm assuming they are not ready to sell all they have and give to the poor.

But of course, the WHOLE bible is the literal word of God...so what do they do with that?
Another so called Christian man is more than hateful about our president on fb. (of course) Calling him a liar etc. Does he forget that he had sexual relations with another woman other than his wife? Does she know? I dont't think so..at least not the full extent of it. God help me because I'm really fed up. I want to follow Jesus, but I'm wondering about label..."christian". This same man who lied to his wife and to his friend called democrats "godless liberals"...So I guess I'm "godless". I've been kicked out of their club.

The religious right, or the tea party, think they are the chosen and think that they are right, without a doubt. I don't think they measure what they interpret through love. Take the gay issue. WOW...They fought gay rights tooth and nail, but didn't win. Yet wait a minute; doesn't the bible say that God sets up who he wants to be the leader of our country?? Romans13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God’s appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God
I think my point is that when I signed up to follow Christ, I wanted to follow HIM. He loved me so much he made a huge difference in my life, and still does to this day.

But it isn't because I allign him and his teachings with my political philosophy. (I think that's why Judas followed him and look what happened to Judas.) It isn't because I believe that if I follow him I'll live the American dream. I dont follow him so that I can develop a protestant work ethic in order to be buried in a beautiful casket. (I'm donating my body to science because I think the funeral business is outrageous.)
I follow him because Jesus showed us the way to bring light into the world through love. His life, death and resurrection was pure love being acted out. That's why I follow him.

Personally, I think my dear friend who blames Obamacare on pretty much everything that goes wrong has been brain washed. So have I. I've been brainwashed by all that I allow myself to believe. Whether it's former President George Bush, or President Obama, I will show them respect and honor because after all, God put them there, God wants them there.
It doesn't mean I can hold my tongue when something really baffles me and upsets me. I'm working on it though. I wish I didn't feel this way. I wish I could ignore things people say and not let it get to me. But I can't. it's not in me. It gets me everytime..I'll end on this note!
I know what you mean, I have friends who send me emails filled with such crap, I wonder if they realize what they are doing? God places a man in office, I may not like him, or his policies, but I pray he makes Godly decisions. That peace reigns in our beautiful country, and I can raise my family in that peace. I have son's who serve our country, who go to foreign countries and get shot at, and build schools even for little girls, and drill water wells for villages, and get shot at, come home. Thankfully safe, and sound, and raise their families, and live in peace. Do those friends of mine forget their own sin, their own faults that caused the death of their saviour, and condemn someone else because of their politics. I think we should judge with our hearts the way of a man so as not to be led astray from the way of Jesus. But to judge his heart is God's appointed task, not mine. I am to love, and maybe I don't always do that if I let my flesh get in the way, so I should walk by faith, not by sight.. in the Spirit, not the flesh, that is the battle, and even that battle is the Lord's.