They are my heart, to say the least. Lexy is 14, Tasha is going on 3 and Milo is a little younger than Tasha. You know how some parents have children and all but one are easy? That's Milo...the "one".

About 4 weeks ago I finally bought pet insurance. And am I glad I did! Our deductible for the year is $250, which in the last two weeks we have not only met, but exceeded,we will now be able to file a claim. Let me back up a little. Today I looked at Milo's eye, after he had been scratching like crazy, everywhere on his body he was scratching, and the inside of the eye, around the eye itself looked as though it would pop out.

Of course I freaked, told the lady at the vet that yes, I would pay a little extra to be seen then and there. We walked over and of course, Milo hates the vet and anyone associated with the vet. It's actually embarrassing. However, she let me put both muzzles on him. Yep, I said both, as in two. She had to put some sort of stain in his eye (which she also let me do) and then look at it with a black light. His eye needed to open wide, which, yes again, I opened it wide so she could look with her black light for any abrasions. Which she did not find.

The whole prognosis was allergies. UG! One thing that is disturbing is that when I go to the vet they sort of just look at him, not a good look, not a bad look. But it's that look that the school secretary gives problem kids when they are waiting to see the principal.
Anyway, on my way out, waiting to pay, this man and his wife were there, obviously waiting to pick up their dog. He looks at Milo and gives him an endearing smile. All I'm thinking is, "Please don't try to pet 'my beautiful Aussie', he hates the vet and he'll probably hate you too." But alas, my thoughts did no good. He comes over and believe it or not, Milo walks over to him and sniffs. Well you know how that goes right? The man then reaches out to Milo, and surprisingly enough Milo is relatively fine. That is until the man reached over Milo's head to scratch his back. Milo proceeds to snarl and then snap. As you probably can imagine it all happened very fast. I humbly defended Milo by telling the man he hates being here and was a rescue dog, yada yada yada. The man persevered with his sweet smile and told me he understood. He then began to tell me that he has a mini Aussie and that they are prone to some sort of intestinal problems, and that this special enzyme will help. The symptoms, according to him, are the same as allergy symptoms. I listen with dread and curiosity. I can't stand complicated problems, in any genre of my life, I truly dislike them...you might even say I hate complicated problems... with a passion hate! Talking about intestinal problems in any living thing is definitely complicated.
"What food do you feed him?" asked the man in his kind, concerned voice tone. When I told him he asked me if perhaps I would consider holistic food. I wanted to ask him how much that would cost, and tell him that if it's expensive my insurance wouldn't cover it and oh, yeah, did you know I have two other dogs at home that eat quite a bit? YES, I realize holistic, organic food would be fantastic...but I am not rich. That stuff is crazy expensive. (By now I'm stressed not only because Milo's eye is bulging and looks sick and weirdly abnormal, but also because I realize I have a very high maintenance dog.) All I say though is, "I have two other dogs at home. I'm not sure." He smiles again, that kind smile of his as he tells me Milo looks a bit heavy. I just roll my eyes and tell him okay. He proceeds to tell me they are working dogs and really need a job. "Does he have a job at home?" (For God's sake, the guilt is piling on me like hot lava spewing out of a giant mountain.)

"Well, his daddy takes him for walks every morning on the mountain across the street. And yes, I have him chase the ball at the side of the house where there is a great area to run." UG UG UG....Again, he smiles sweetly and tells me that "these dogs" can work from sun up to sun down. UG UG UG UG... As he follows the lady to go retrieve his pet, (Which is probably the perfect weight. And his little four legged friend is probably everyone's sweetheart that is soooo gentle.) he tells me one last time about the enzymes.
Seriously? I have my Milo....the "one" who I apologize to strangers for and try to convince them he really is a sweet dog and wouldn't hurt a fly, the "one" whom the vet gave me a number of a dog psychologist that might be able to help with his "vet anxieties"...the one who has already reached the deductible on his pet insurance, so now we can start getting back. So that's a good thing, right? My boy is my boy and I love him with all of my heart and soul. He is like the difficult child with ADD. He is my one that no one else can really understand but me, and maybe his daddy.
So, I get to struggle with him when I have to put his eye drops in three times a day, but thankfully his eye isn't going to burst inside of his head like I thought it might. And I want to find that man and tell him he needs to get his facts right. I looked up the normal weight of a male Aussie and GUESS WHAT YOU IDIOT???? HE IS TOTALLY NORMAL...AVERAGE WEIGHT IS BETWEEN 50 AND 65 POUND. GEEEEEEEEEZ!!!!
I thought the guilt and regrets of parenthood were behind me. Not! I now have three more "children". Two of them are pretty darn easy to care for....but then there's Milo. Anyway, I hear that the dog psychiatrist is fantastic. I wonder if insurance pays for counselling??? I mean, it won't hurt to ask.

In the meantime, this song is to my baby Milo. Patty Griffin wrote it for her dog..I don't think she'll mind if I borrow it. To you Milo you and me? We'll take on the world!
Oh, heavenly day
All the clouds blew away
Got no trouble today with anyone
All the clouds blew away
Got no trouble today with anyone
The smile on your face, I live only to see
It's enough for me, baby, it's enough for me
Oh, heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day
It's enough for me, baby, it's enough for me
Oh, heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day
Tomorrow may rain with sorrow
Here's a little time we can borrow
Forget all our troubles in these moments so few
Here's a little time we can borrow
Forget all our troubles in these moments so few
Oh because right now is only thing
That all that we really have to do
Is have ourselves, a heavenly day
That all that we really have to do
Is have ourselves, a heavenly day
Lay here and watch the trees sway
Oh, can't see no other way, no way, no way
Heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day
Oh, can't see no other way, no way, no way
Heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day
No one at my shoulder bringing me fears
Got no clouds up above me bringing me tears
Got no clouds up above me bringing me tears
Got nothing to tell you, I've got nothing much to say
Only I'm glad to be here with you
On this heavenly, heavenly, heavenly, heavenly day
Only I'm glad to be here with you
On this heavenly, heavenly, heavenly, heavenly day
Oh, all the trouble gone away, oh
For a while anyway, for a while anyway
Heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day
Heavenly day, heavenly day, oh, heavenly day
For a while anyway, for a while anyway
Heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day
Heavenly day, heavenly day, oh, heavenly day
Read more: Patty Griffin - Heavenly Day Lyrics | MetroLyrics
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