Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dear Lexy

Dear Lexy,

I can't tell you how much I think of you. It's crazy. I think of you so many times a day. I can't pass that little fountain where you died without feeling horrible.  It's so empty without you.  People don't understand what it's like. I am told by my more sensitive friends that maybe you're still hanging around. I wish I could feel that more. I wish there was something more tangible between here and there.

I ache to have you here and to hold your little fluffy self.  I cry alone, I see your face all the time, and I feel like so f(*king failed you.  I wish I could do so much over.  There was the cutest dog I almost adopted, but I started thinking about how high maintenance your brother Milo and your sister Tasha is and I had to decide against it. Also, if I would have adopted her, it would only have been because I was looking to replace you and our relationship. Nothing will ever do that. And when I realized that, I sort of broke down. You were with me so long. We would take trips from Kansas City to Springfield together. You were a fantastic travelling partner.  God knows how much I miss you.

I love you Lex, and I miss you like crazy...really I do!  There are no words to describe the ache.  I would take you and hold when you were so old and I would stroke your old body and you knew.  You knew the bond and I believe you felt the same as I did.

I hope God has a special place for souls like yours.  I miss you so much!

Your human,


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