My heart aches for so many reasons.

It seems the world "has lost her way again" (Dave quotes).

But it does. Hope is almost a thing I've forgotten. Even the beautiful desert sky, always as blue as blue can be, is grey, is sad. Oven like heat is a reminder that things need to slow down, need to stop. I wish there would be a pause in this bitterness and loss, a pause to remind ourselves of the beauty in life. But no just keeps going like a cog in a machine. There doesn't seem to be happiness without the dull, achy reminder that it will pass and the sadness will soon seep in and spread like mold growing on a wall. I know, not a good read tonight.

Is it me just getting older? Is it me giving up trying to look at the "brighter" side? Or are things really bad? I think they're bad. And to try and blame is only a distraction to help us not feel the hurt, the pain.
The Orlando tragedy is heavy and hard to bear.

We try to paint it into a political picture where guns are the villains. Placing blame almost feels better than grieving someone we don't know. Anger feels better than the jabbing, knife like pain in our hearts.It must make some feel better to immediately look for someone to blame...but personally, I think it's a distraction from a reality that is so heinous it's difficult to wrap our minds around it.

People used to tell me I was too sensitive.

That's really bullshit. It's such a horrible judgement call and I let it get to me when I was younger. I now see those same people ... they are the ignorant ones. Apparently Jesus was a little too sensitive as well. Is it too sensitive to love people, to wish all was well with the world? To long for a world where there is no hate, or war or suffering?

I don't think so.
I'll end with a song by Dave and quote by Anne Lamott:
“Hope is not about proving anything. It's about choosing to believe this one thing, that love is bigger than any grim, bleak shit anyone can throw at us.”
― Anne Lamott, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith
Don't give up
I know you can see
All the world and the mess that we're making
Can't give up
And hope God will intercede
Come on back
Imagine that we could get it together
Stand up for what we need to be
‘Cause crime won’t save or feed a hungry child
Can't lay down and wait for a miracle to change things
So lift up your eyes
Lift up your heart
Singing mercy will we overcome this
Oh one by one could we turn it around
Maybe carry on just a little bit longer
And I'll try to give you what you need
Me and you and you and you
Just wanna be free yeah
But you see all the world is just as we've made it
And until we got a new world
I've got to say that love is not a whisper or a weakness
No love is strong
So we got to get together yeah
Gotta get gotta get gotta get
Til there is no reason
To fight
Mercy will we overcome this
Yeah one by one could we turn it around
Maybe carry on just a little bit longer
And I'll try to give you what you need
Mercy will we overcome this
Have we come too far to turn it around
Ask too much to be a little bit stronger
Cause I wanna give you what you need
Mercy what will become of us
Oh one by one could we turn it around
Maybe carry on just a little bit longer
And I'll try to give you what you need
I know you can see
All the world and the mess that we're making
Can't give up
And hope God will intercede
Come on back
Imagine that we could get it together
Stand up for what we need to be
‘Cause crime won’t save or feed a hungry child
Can't lay down and wait for a miracle to change things
So lift up your eyes
Lift up your heart
Singing mercy will we overcome this
Oh one by one could we turn it around
Maybe carry on just a little bit longer
And I'll try to give you what you need
Me and you and you and you
Just wanna be free yeah
But you see all the world is just as we've made it
And until we got a new world
I've got to say that love is not a whisper or a weakness
No love is strong
So we got to get together yeah
Gotta get gotta get gotta get
Til there is no reason
To fight
Mercy will we overcome this
Yeah one by one could we turn it around
Maybe carry on just a little bit longer
And I'll try to give you what you need
Mercy will we overcome this
Have we come too far to turn it around
Ask too much to be a little bit stronger
Cause I wanna give you what you need
Mercy what will become of us
Oh one by one could we turn it around
Maybe carry on just a little bit longer
And I'll try to give you what you need
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