I'm a Christian. I really am and I really love Jesus as much as I can for not really meeting him in person. His teachings rang true with me when I first read them. You know the ones: love others as you love YOURSELF...which means you have to love yourself before you can love others. Then there's "love your enemy". And no, it's not just pray for them. I had a woman say to me on facebook that she prays for muslim enemies that they might see Christ. It sounded so condescending. As if she didn't want to actually put forth the effort to do something, like love her enemies, because that is so much harder than sticking to rules and regulations. We can't forget the "turn the other cheek" thing. That's a really difficult one for me, but he said it, and he said it with passion. It made me believe him; that it was true, we needed to do that. What about "sell all you have, give to the poor and follow me"? He said that. A very difficult concept for us as Americans.
This election has brought out the truth in people.

It shows them for who they really are. It's not pretty. Don't worry, I'm including myself. I was praying about it all and the thought that was pervasive was, "What can you learn about love in this?" Uhhhh, my answer? I am lacking, that's for sure. But now that there is a real possibility that Trump will be president I read "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." Roms 13:1 And I quote that before the tallies are done.... God only knows who our next president will be and I'm trusting Him; for better or worse...."
Really? I didn't see that when Pres. Obama was in. It angers me that there is such a double standard. I probably should quit now. This election has divided. Or shall I say, this election has triggered what people really feel about one another, it has triggered what people really believe is important. Me included.

And now it's the day after. I am sickened. I am dishearten. I am fearful for my grandkids. But we all know that every great empire has fallen. I guess it's our turn.
One thing I've learned about myself. I'm not as enlightened as I thought I am in regards to "moving towards love". I actually have no energy to move towards anything this morning. It's all so surreal.

Someone wrote in response to these picutres of the new first lady, "I would take her over Moochelle any day"
I hope the conservatives are happy. They have officially dumbed down America. This man (using the term loosely) is a horrible example of what a kid should grow up to be. I've never felt this distraught over politics in my life; over the future of our country. Those who didn't like George Bush....Trump will make him look like a savior.
He stands for everything I do not believe in. America's new first lady:

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