Saturday, January 12, 2019

Cosmetic Procedures and Growing Old Gracefully

Last evening I was sitting in a doctor's chair watching as he began to bend over me  with a long, sharp, glistening needle.  After telling me to wrinkle up my face,  he proceeded to stick me about 25 times in the face with the painful object. As I winced, I told him, "I was the oldest of three daughters.  My father always said  my one sister, a few years younger than me, was the 'stable one', my littlest sister about seven years younger than myself was the intelligent, talented one.  Me? I was the" pretty one." I proceeded to tell the doctor, and I have no idea why I said this, "See what words do? Self fulfilling prophecy!" Before you start to judge or try to compassionately analyze why I do what I do, read on with an open mind. 

This was the umpteenth time I was getting Botox in my forehead, and Juvaderm in my marionette lines.  These types of  cosmetic procedures have been a part of my life for the past fifteen years. Fortunately, in those past fifteen years the attitude of society has changed. Years ago they were seen as selfish and a bit narcissistic. If I would bring up the fact that I was considering having something done, some of the responses I heard were, "Why do this to yourself?", "You're beautiful as you are",  "So sad you want to do this.  What happened to you that caused you to be insecure?" Or worse, "I'm proud of my grey hair and wrinkles, I've earned them!" And this was usually said in a firm voice after discussing or seeing someone who looks younger than they actually are.

 Of course, I have no regrets regarding the numerous times I've had for fillers. I'm happy society is viewing cosmetic work with much more of an open mind.  Growing old gracefully isn't about how many wrinkles you have or don't have. It's not about grey hair, colored hair, or no hair.  It's not about thin and muscular, or heavy and soft.  Growing old gracefully is about how much have you learned over the years. Growing old gracefully is how you treat others, how you use the pain you have experienced in your long years to help or forgive other.  It's about whether you're cynical, judgmental, set in your ways, prejudiced. It's about being  loving, gracious, open minded, inclusive in your  humanity. It's about how well you love yourself and others.If you are someone who has grown old gracefully, people will feel comfortable around you, they will feel free to talk to you without having to worry about  anything.  People who grow old gracefully are usually always kind.

I've let go of trying to analyze why I do the things I do.  At this stage of my life my goal is to love even the stranger, no matter what or who that stranger is.  My goal is to grow old gracefully!

But getting back to my procedures; WOW, I love them.  They're fun and the results make me happy. They make me happy and seriously realize how fortunate I am to be able to have them.  While I play around with the outside of myself, I take seriously the inside. I judge myself and have a standard I  strive for; and that is loving all well.  Not an easy task.

Hey! Thanks for reading. xoxoxo

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