My husband and I moved to the desert two years ago this coming February and it truly is a new chapter in our lives. Right before we moved I bought this giant wall hanging. I think it used to be an advertisement in a large store because on the other side of the side that I show is a giant eyeball. I bought this for the opposite side of the eye. It has on it the words " reinvent yourself"'s written over and over; all over the canvas. The "re" part of reinvent, and the word "yourself" is in black, and the invent part of the word reinvent is written in red. It's on an off white background and the words all over the canvas are written backwords so the only way you read it properly is in a mirror. Anyway, that was sort of prophetic and I think that's why I was attracted to it to begin with. I knew I was about to sort of reinvent myself.

Another thing about this phase of my life is that there is no drama in my marriage anymore. That's a great thing too. We finally learned how to live together peacefully without a lot of expectations. Don't get me wrong, there's still that spark, and yes, there's still passion, but now we have made peace with ourselves and who we are.
So, sitting here at my giant dining table, on a very hot Tuesday evening in August, I am grateful for most all things. I am grateful for my family, I am grateful for a beautiful home, food in my fridge, a job I love, a body that is strong and healthy, and dare I say good looking? Sure, why not. I am grateful for a church that stands for truth, love and tolerance of all humans. I am so grateful for Jesus, the guy who made it all possible. He's my hope.

There has been a lot of bad news lately. I guess there usually is, but I try not to listen. However, the shootings, my old friend falling down her basement steps and dying, a young woman whose cancer was in remission now seems to have brain cancer. These things are enough to make me not want to get up in the morning.

But I do, and I am grateful. For now anyway.

Have a good Wednesday everyone....
"Tuesday afternoon,
I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.
Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh.
I'm looking at myself reflections of my mind,
It's just the kind of day to leave myself behind.
So gently swaying through the fairyland of love,
If you'll just come with me you'll see the beauty of
Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon." moody blues

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