I tried not to comment on facebook, I tried not to respond to people's hateful comments about opposite parties, but now, I can't hold back.

I've written so much about this I'm sure whoever reads this is bored and thinking, "whatever"..but I took the bait and there ya have it. Most of my family is pretty conservative..No wait, they ALL are, I'm not. Funny, my mother was pretty liberal if you actually sat down with her and asked her opinion. (Mom, YOU understand where I'm at right now then.) My mother was such a lady. I really should try and be more poised and gracious like she was. But there's so much of my father in me and I don't think, at this age, I will choose to go to the effort to change. Who knows though?

I use this blog to vent and vent I will. I'm not sure why, but I have a lot of "friends" on fb that are ultra conservative. My theory is that the extreme right has hyjacked christianity.
So, considering myself a Christian, I see in the Bible, the book of Jeremiah, chapter 22, verses 16 and 17, what the prophet is saying about how God sees if a King is righteous or not, is good or not:

"He defended the cause of the poor and needy,
and so all went well.
Is that not what it means to know me?”
declares the Lord.
17 “But your eyes and your heart
are set only on dishonest gain,
on shedding innocent blood
and on oppression and extortion.”"

I found these musings of Jeremiah on a great and thought provoking blog written by Craig Watts, minister of Royal Palms Chruch. It's on a website called redletterchristians.org
So, someone suggested that I may be angry towards christians, or that "maybe it's a crappy attitude in general towards your Christian fb friends who don't subscribe to your opinions."
hmmmm...food for thought anyway. In many ways that person is probably right.

(Seriously thinking of getting rid of my fb account..gasp gasp)
So, I do strongly dislike myself when election time comes around because I see things differently from most of my "facebook friends", and even my own family. My husband thinks it's strange that I get so involved. That too bothers me, doesn't he know me by now? Or did I marry myself?
Well, it's Friday and it's a new day. I think I'll look for Aslan and forgot the others.
Aslan safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the

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