However,'s sooooooooooo difficult. I am tested to every degree with my own preaching of having a positive attitude. You know, the "I can do it" attitude I always preach. Affirmations are, undoubtedly, useful and effective, I just have to remember to use them faithfully..

My body has been serving me for 61 years. Mmmhhhhmmm..that's right, I said 61! No, I DO NOT feel it, and no, I don't think I look it either. One wonders just when I will stop with pushing myself to be stronger, thinner and healthier. I don't think I'll ever stop.

While staying with my son in Long Beach, I was sitting there, on the beach just relaxing and enjoying the moment when a woman jogged by. She had the body of a 20 year old and the face of a 75 year old. No, she wasn't in her 20's. Most likely she was anywhere from the age of 60 to 80. I believe working out and telling your body it has to be strong and fit is the fountain of youth.

I highly recommend this form of's worth a million. Have a strong day!

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