Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thoughts On Health, My Body, and Challenges

So, I have about twenty minutes until I go work my a$$ off at Physix, my wonderful, painful and "I see results", gym.  It's really like a small group training gym with added benefits.

However, ..........it's sooooooooooo difficult.  I am tested to every degree with my own preaching of having a positive attitude.  You know, the "I can do it" attitude I always preach.  Affirmations are, undoubtedly, useful and effective, I just have to remember to use them faithfully..

My body has been serving me for 61 years.  Mmmhhhhmmm..that's right, I said 61!  No, I DO NOT feel it, and no, I don't think I look it either.  One wonders just when I will stop with pushing myself to be stronger, thinner and healthier.  I don't think I'll ever stop.

While staying with my son in Long Beach, I was sitting there, on the beach just relaxing and enjoying the moment when a woman jogged by.  She had the body of a 20 year old and the face of a 75 year old.  No, she wasn't in her 20's.  Most likely she was anywhere from the age of 60 to 80.  I believe working out and telling your body it has to be strong and fit is the fountain of youth.

Life is short, your body is your vessel, and health affects your mood.  Logging my calories, making myself do things when I feel challenged, and keeping a positive attitude all the while, is a great journey and worth the time.  I am thankful every day for the opportunity God has given me to breathe another breath, to feel the warmth of the sun, to be able to do things I wouldn't even attempt to do at 20.  I am thankful to God for the health to challenge my own strength.

I highly recommend this form of antidepressant...it's worth a million.  Have a strong day!

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