Sunday, October 7, 2012

Learning to Love Using the Ignore Button

I don't know where to begin.  So, let me begin with this.  My husband and I get an update from a pastor whom I think is the best example of what being a Christian really is. The man is wise beyond words, humble, and probably the most loving human on earth. Not many people he comes in contact with go for long without realizing that they too can know Jesus personally.

 However, in his letter he wrote about how upsetting this election is because there is so much hate circulating around, especially on Facebook.

 I will be the first to admit, I have helped circulate the hate.

 I am trying to stop, but it's difficult because of the judgement I get. from my "sisters and brothers" in the faith.  It's also difficult because old friends that I used to know when I was young and have reconnected with, write something about how horrible our President is, and then I take the bait.

 When I responded saying that our President is not what the crazy media (Fox) says,  one woman  said she didn't think Christian and Democrat could possibly go together.  In her words, Christian and Democrat together is "an oxymoron".  Which means she pretty much doesn't' think I am a Christian.WOW!

After giving it some thought, I realize the problem is me.

I see people that I respect and the reason why I respect them is because they keep to themselves about their political preferences.

They are my example.  It does take a huge amount of discipline (for me anyway) but in the long run, it's much more peaceful on oneself.  But how can I help myself with this particular discipline of just keeping my proverbial mouth shut?  I don't have to defriend them, I can put them on ignore..then it won't upset me and then I can have peace.

My raw, human feeling that this woman is a bitch and very ignorant! But my heart says that I need to love her too.

Well, the ignore button just might be an answer to my lack of discipline in NOT taking bait. Perhaps this little button on the mighty Facebook will help me on my journey of loving others better than I do now. Thank God for Jesus, but also, thank God for the ignore button.

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