I LOVE music. The bad news is that I have no music in my car. It's really a bummer for me because music causes my soul to come alive. Something happened with the computer system in my car and well..there ya have it. No music. I'm not one really for i pods etc. I feel so old about now. I mean, I really liked cd's. You know, buy it pop it in and play it over and over. You don't have to do anything else. My son just shakes his head and can't imagine why I think i pods are so complicated.
Music has a way of saying things to me that nothing else seems to be able to communicate.

It seems that music is this channel of communicating not just feelings, thoughts and memories, but also words from the other side.

I know, I know. Some may be rolling their eyes about now and thinking to themselves..."this is where I stop reading." And I totally understand that...but because this is my blog, I'll continue.
My sweet little sister's mother died just last week. (She is a bff, but she is my soul sister.) Her mother loved Neil Diamond. When she was leaving her father's house to go get him something to eat, she walked into the shop, and guess what was on the music in the shop? Yep, that's right, Neil Diamond.
The night my mother died, I was working out at my gym. The song "Time After Time" came on, by Cyndi Lauper. I've always like that song, but for 'some' reason, it stuck in my mind. The next day when I found out my mother was dead, that song automatically started playing in my mind.

There have been numerous songs that I believe are, well, significant. When I'm gone, and if you think of me, and just by chance when you think of me a song comes to your mind for no reason, well, there's a reason, it's probably me. I will probably talk through music. I hope my loved ones listen and are comforted. Until then, I'll raise a glass to music.

Would you not like to be, sittin' on top of the world with your legs hangin' free....dmb
How did I miss this one? This is just lovely...and TRUE about Neil Diamond by the way!