Thursday, January 17, 2013

Giving the Brain a Good Wash

I'm on a mission...a mission I started years ago to wash my own brain of things that don't serve me or anyone else.  Trying to get the negative thoughts out of my mind is sort of like cutting cancer out of one's body.  In my opinion, negative thoughts are like emotional cancer.

I'm not sure where they start, but I can only speak for myself.  I know that when I watch things on tv that are sad, contentious or hateful, it disturbs me. It starts very tiny and half the time I don't even realize it's there until it snowballs.  I begin waking up with a sort of cloud over my being.

So, on facebook I decided that anything, anything at all, that causes a sort of sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, will be hidden. Clicking that one little button is such a fantastic choice.  It's like ...Pooof....gone.  Seen no more!

Facebook is an interesting medium.

When I first joined, I was used to myspace where I could be somewhat anonymous.  I probably was still in the myspace frame of mind, but I sort of put it all  out there; bore my soul to the artificial world of pseudo relationships. Just like everyone else, I connected with new friends and reconnected with old ones.  It was sort of like Junior High all over again..The more friends I had, the more popular I felt.

That is until, I started getting friend requests from people I barely knew.  However, it was the old friends that I valued.  I couldn't wait to reconnect and reconnect I did.  I have to say, when I did, I had no idea how far apart our lives had taken some of  us.

With me, what you see is what you get.  For the most part anyway.  So it isn't a secret that I have changed.  My beliefs have progressed and my philosophy has grown to adulthood.  Basically, I try my best to move towards love in my thoughts, actions and words.  But I started slipping in this  fraudulent world of the internet.  Especially around the time of the elections.  The hateful things I would read, inevitably I was sucked in and  at times, turned in to a closed minded hater. I tried not to; God knows I tried.

I said all that to say this: I had to make some difficult decisions.  And no, I'm not being dramatic, these 'friendships' went way back.  But I had to delete them for my own sanity.

 I'm sure they are probably happy I'm the one that did the deleting...It's hard break up.  I feel much lighter though.

 I still love a a few of them very much, and others, I must say, I never really was that fond of them anyway.  Sort of good riddance.

So, my intentions are to, yes, move towards love.  That starts by thinking good thoughts as much as I possibly can.

So, here's to the weekend and here's to happy thoughts....xoxox

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