I've had a lot of free time the past week or so. It feels good to just sit, maybe get up and clean a bit, sit again, play on the computer, check people's lives out on facebook, watch hgtv over and over and of course, Millionaire Matchmaker. For some reason this holiday has not been the heavy, intense looking back at my past, keeping in mind spirituality is 'supposed' to be at the forefront of my existence, type holiday. I am however, grateful for how rich I really am in the big picture of life. Don't get me wrong; I do think on those aspects...a lot. But it's really nice to space out and be a mouth breather for a while.
Getting back to hopes, dreams and all that other stuff.

At my age, I still feel there is so much ahead of me although I realize just how fragile life can be. I ended the year being able to do what I have dreamed of doing for the past four or five years now; decorating someone else's home and actually getting real money for the endeavor. My client was the sweetest young lady, (Meaning she was about my daughter's age.) who is busy with four kids and a huge, relatively new, home. I was in heaven when I saw her home. I was in heaven, even feeling high, when I was able to put all of my ideas into realities. In the end, she was very happy with my work, and I was very appreciative of her trust in my decisions. And her home? It came to life with a warm smile of gratefulness .
When I do things like this it's truly like objects have their own soul.

I refinished an old cabinet for her and as one step after another made it closer to the finishing product,

I felt it coming to life; being grateful that I hadn't given up hope in it's potential. I felt it saying it wanted another chance at beauty, at life, at a home to shine in. And I gave it that chance.

It sure proved to be worth it as the cabinet is now sitting in an honored, special place in their huge entryway. Happy ending.

So, for Christmas my husband gave me a 'website'. Yep, that's right! A website all my own. It's called SpaceSweetSpace.com. At least I think that's the way it's supposed to be typed into the search engine. No, I haven't even built it yet, it's waiting to be birthed. Wish me luck on that! Thus begins my journey into 2015. Hopes and dreams of doing what I want to do AND just maybe, hopefully, getting paid....getting paid well. (The doubter in me just wonders on that one...but hey, anything's possible.)
I suppose I should get out all my self help books, all of my inspirational 'you can do it' books and just cover myself in encouragement and positive framing. I probably will do just that, after this one last episode of Millionaire Matchmaker.
Yet again, always again, I digress. The future. Hopes and dreams. Love and beauty. Relationships and life.

That's what it's all about. I have no idea what the new year holds. Life has been pretty wonderful the last few years. No drama, just a great life in the sun, never too cold, never too hot. I'm looking forward to another year like this one, only with one new addition: Space Sweet Space. It will not be the norm, it will not follow the rules, it will be amazingly beautiful.

Here's to you and your dreams. I'll lift a glass to all who read this, and I'll hope, dream, and pray all your happiness comes true this year. love!
I look forward to it