When my husband used to go to church with me on a regular basis, I always felt sort of weird for him on Father's Day. He used to complain that the father's would always get a lecture on how to be a better father, but on Mother's Day there was all this praise and adoration for dear mother..... yada yada yada. And, he was right.

It bothered me of course, and I felt like fathers were getting the raw end of the deal and maybe that Mother's Day was just thought up by a bunch of women. Then I read the above Louis C.K. quote and everything fell into perspective.

I'm an observer. Even when I was little, people would be talking to me, or lecturing to me or something, and I would sort of be focused on them, not their words. You know, how their mouth moved, the little bit of hair that was attached to their head but flying out like it was trying to free itself . I was a watcher, and I'd then think and analyze what I would see when I was supposed to be listening.

I said all that to say Louis C.K. is right. Mothers carry the major burden, heart ache, joy, and everything in between, of birthing, raising and loving a child. Now, I'm sure I'll have a lot of people just tune me out right here or become defensive and totally disagree. Honestly, I don't care. But being the watcher that I am, I see that for the most part, in humanity, it's the woman that spends the most time with a child, it's the mother that carries that human in her body for months on end, it's the woman that, well,....that is with that child more than the man. As a teacher, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, I see this as a fact. When there is a divorce, I see more men disappear from the kids than I do women. Look up the statistics; in first world countries anyway.
So why shouldn't a woman get more praise than the father? There is no reason. So, with that, I will be at ease when Father's Day comes around.
Here's to us all you mothers.

We never stop being a mother even when our children are not children anymore. They are still in our hearts and minds just as much as they were when they were tiny. To this day I would grab the sun and give it to my children if I could.

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