My heart has been heavy ever since the election.

Even in my own personal life things have been a little bit of a struggle from a first world perspective. But the atmosphere in our country is more disturbing; it's darker than I've felt for a long time.

I'm trying to keep my head above the proverbial tumultuous waters of our time. It feels like the Viet Nam era where controversy and borderline despondency was felt all the time; every time you turned on the news.

Some however, are celebrating the fact that Obama is no longer in power, and the same group of people are enthusiastic and hopeful of....of.....honestly, I'm not sure what they are hopeful for with this administration. Perhaps they think we will soon have a financially profitable America that will take them back to a seemingly more prosperous time. Maybe it's the Christian Right that seems to think that if we ban abortion, ban same sex marriages and ban anything else they perceive as immoral, God will bless America. Maybe they're jubilant because they feel if we shut our doors to the tired, the hungry and poor we will be a safer nation, a more prosperous nation.

The trouble is that I do have an idea why some are pleased Trump is our new leader and they are all listed above. Elections and new presidents are not supposed to divide families and friends, but it does. It has. But I have to say the division is on the opposition as well. Not seeing that this man is closing doors, building walls, and promoting hate is incomprehensible. As a Christian I believe closing our doors to the type of people this new administration is singling out is hard- hearted and detached from anything Christ taught.
What do I want to do?

I wanna "pack my bags and get a boat to the end of the world" . I love that Dave always has a song that will sing my soul's inaudible words.

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