In any case, gratefulness comes to mind. My whole mantra has been "keeping it positive" and knowing that everything is working out for my highest good.

That is something to actually believe...and the belief doesn't come naturally; especially under pressure. I also made a vow to move towards love and faith...not too easy to do when, again, under pressure.

But it's true what one of my favorite author's, Gerald May, says, "....acting in love is a fearful thing, and it demands of us the greatest trust in God---which is our only true courage."

Yeah, I know, nice words and certainly nicely stated, but sort of difficult, especially when there is rudeness and ungratefulness, not to mention narcissim.

Again, I'm just sayin'.
But it all comes back to the fact that all humans are really doing the best they can do. I realize, to some of us, that doesn't seem "good enough". But I'm reminded of a story Jesus tells about guys who went to a field to work. Some worked 8 hours, some 6, some 4 and some less than 2 and they all got the same pay. (That blows a lot of politics out of the water doesn't it? He must not have been a republican...OR a democrat...he was an amazing radical.) ANYWAY, I don't know about you, but I'm certainly not 'there' yet. I still have a long way to go. Yet, I keep trying, keep praying, and keep believing in God and myself that love will most certainly prevail...Love to you all on this tax due day. Stay kind to yourself.
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