My daughter brought her home after I lost my favorite cat, Emma, to a car accident. She was a sweet little calico, thus the name Callie. She was a normal little kitten until she became sick, had a fevor and I really don't know what happened, but her personality changed. Sort of like a child born normal, and then at about two years old is diagnosed with autisim. Callie was declawed, something I do not recommend. But she was. After her illness she didn't like to be touched a lot. She was a good pet though. She didn't require a lot, and we all loved her very much.
When we moved to Arizona about six months ago we gave her a sedative from the vet so that she could survive the 18 hour drive with two dogs and two humans and lots and lots of 'stuff' stuffed into a car. Funny thing, the drugs caused her to purr like crazy and they actually changed her personality. She loved Arizona. When the temperature rose to triple digits, she always stayed in the house and slept on top of our huge, oak dining table, or she'd fall asleep on the cool tile behind the curtains.

About a month ago I noticed that she would shed like crazy...just being around her you would get hair on your clothes without even touching her. Plus, her coat was blotchy and seemed dry and not the normal shiney coat. I don't know, maybe she was in pain, I just don't know. She would always be very vocal about her needs. I would know if she was thirsty or hungry. That's all she 'spoke' of. She wasn't demanding except for her basic needs.
Yesterday was cooler. I went out back to water some flower and do a little yard work. I remember she came out with me. And that was it...that was the last I remember seeing her. We have a 'cat' door, so she could get in if she wanted to....she was always an indoor cat.
I know, deep inside of me, that I won't see her again. I checked the park across the street, I checked all over our yard, and of course, her favorite indoor places. She is not to be found...nor is her body. I didn't want it to end this way. I wanted her to die peacefully in her own little home...her own space. What the hell happened??? It hurts not to know. I knew the end was near, but honestly, I wouldn't have been surpised if she lasted another two years. But nope, she's gone.

I have always had a cat. I don't give a damn about what people think, the smell etc. (although I keep a very clean house.) Yet to get another cat, at my age, I'm just not so sure. I lost my dog Murray, and that was painful as hell...my little Lexy is getting old and that is difficult. I'm tired of getting attached and then that old death knocks at the door, like a frost after a beautiful summer day. It doesn't get easier.
Anyway, this is for you little CalCan. You were a great addition to our family. Rest in peace sweet baby. I miss your voice already. :-(
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