So, today is my baby's birthday...his 30th to be exact. I can't tell you how time flies. Truly! If you're reading this and you're a young mother (any age under 45) then take my word for it...soon you'll look and they'll be gone. Life totally caught me off gaurd and I didnt' realize the time factor. No one told me that years turned into months, months into weeks, weeks into days, hours into minutes and well...you get the point. I do NOT exaggerate either.
Even while in the womb my son was a mover and a shaker. I felt it, believe me, I felt it. Especially at about 3 in the morning when trying to get back to sleep after he kicked me in my ribs. Maybe that explains why he's a night person. Ian is a power house of energy and determination. Yep, that's the word for Ian when he was growing up, determined. In spite of the teachers that constantly were 'concerned' about his energy. (Get real teachers, I am a teacher too and I LOVE the ones that are 'difficult'. They turn out to be the leaders. They lead, whether in good directions or bad...they lead.) Such is my son.

Although I am a "christian' one of the worst teachers he had was 'christian' at a christian school. To this day I still have a hard time forgiving her, but hey, I do. And so does my son...he sees her for what she is...just human with human weaknesses like us all. Oh well. But that is why I'm proud of him. He is a loving, forgiving person who wants to live life to the fullest. There were a lot of obstacles my son was able to hurdle..and hurdle them well.

I can't tell you how proud I am of my son for thinking the way he does, feeling the way he feels, hoping the way he does and of course, loving they way he does. I would give him the world if I could, but it's already his.
Here's to you Ian.....You are the perfect son. I'm so happy I had a boy all those years ago.

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