I'll start with the first:

She is only four years younger than myself and she is my go to girl if I need prayer, if I need to vent about my weight, and she is definately my beautiful, alter ego. She is what I wanted be but never was. She was the cute cheerleader in high school AND on the homecoming and prom court. She was the one everyone liked because she was and still is, so friendly and accepting of everyone, as well as one beautiful specimen of true femininity. Was I jealous? Hell yes! But I loved her as my own heart. Once, when we were kids, she snuck out of the house, or was out too late, and tried to creep back through my bedroom window.
![Two young girls at a lemonade stand [LV0057014m]](http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2x3595038/two_young_girls_at_a_lemonade_stand_lv0057014m.jpg)
Of course my parents found out , and because I was the "naughty" girl, they assumed it was me. Just taking credit for being a good sister here: I took the blame and wound up grounded for her crime. In any case, I wasn't really that nice to her most of the time and have regrets. (GEEEEZ how many regrets do I have? Let me count the ways...) But my sister, she is a joy to have. I don't know what I would do without her these days. When I was out of town alone and was stuck in a ghetto hotel, she was the one I called and cried to early in the morning after a very restless night of fear. When I was stuck in nowheresville on top of a mountain, snow falling so thick it was hallucingetic, I called her for prayer at about 3 a.m. She didn't care it was so early/late, she just cared I was scared out of my wits...and of course she prayed. I know I can call on her.

Then, there's my little sister who is next in age.

She's about seven years younger. She was the beautiful strawberry blonde among a family of dark brunettes. When my mother brought her home from the hospital I felt I had my own little child. Even at seven I had these motherly instincts, and of course I took them out on this sister. I was in love with her soft, blonde curls, her pouty mouth and her quiet, unlike me, ways.

When we used to play together, I would mother her, comb her long blonde hair, and constantly give her my attention.
As an adult, when I was going through probably one of the most difficult times of my life, she was there with profound wisdom, this time, taking care of me.

Her accomplishments are too numerous to count. She sings, she acts, she counsels...what can't she do? Her ability to be intuitive is amazing. Am I jealous? Hell yes!
Lastly, my youngest sister. She is my sister by choice. She is about fifteen years younger than me:

She has captured my heart with her eccentric ways, her beautiful voice and her heart of understanding. She is so beauituful that I have to make sure she doesn't fall for a guy just because he can't resist her timely, angelic beauty. Am I jelous? Hell yes! She is one that I call when all is out of control....not just a snow storm, not just a ghetto hotel, but when chaos seems to be covering me and I have no idea who I am. I didn't grow up with her, but I will grow old knowing she is a part of my life, like my own blood. Her sense of humor never ceases to make me smile exactly when I need to smile. Because of her love of animals, she understands my extreme love of animals. She is who I am in so many ways.
A woman needs sisters! How can life be full without these beautiful creatures who teach so much, give so much and accept you, just as you are, in all your weaknesses, addicitons, eccentricities and yes, and all of your talents. I love these women as my own soul and will be forever grateful to them. When I die, don't look too far away, I'll speak to each of you.

Listen....Probably through a song, a pet, a dream, or maybe, if I'm lucky, my own voice. And I'll say the same thing..."I love you, thank you so much for who you are and how you love me."
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