So, let me get to it. I think I'm really getting more intense about the whole subject in my "latter" years. Yes, I am a bit of a hypocrite because I have leather furniture (because it's easier to clean having pets) and yes, I wear leather, and yes, I have a cowhide rug in my home. So I am aware of my own hypocrisies.

Yet, as a Christian, I have some Christian friends who say that God told us to eat animals. I beg to differ...and I also KNOW that eating animals all came about AFTER sin entered the world. God didn't want ANY bloodshed, but WE screwed up.

Okay, so that means let's just slaughter the hell out of creation and go for it...after all, we're redeemed right? (Redeemed meaning "set free"..."deliverance" ) What about all of creation? Apparently some don't care...or don't think...I have no idea other than the experience of my own ignorance.
Someone on Facebook said something to the effect that the guys on Duck Dynasty are so Christian and have Christian values. I can't really argue with that because I haven't seen the show. I do know, though, that they take guns, point them and kill innocent animals. Sometimes just for fun!!! ??? !!! Killing for fun??? Something is wrong with that picture.
Am I saying that Christians shouldn't kill or eat things that have been killed for foods??? Wow, that's a really good question. I'll have to think about that one.

I know also that some people sort of use their children as an example of how it's natural to eat meat. However, these children have already been introduced to meat..not the kind in the slaughter house, the neat little non-bloody type in packages at the grocery store, then brought home and doused with seasonings so that it will "taste good".
Tell a child exactly where the meat comes from and that's a whole different story. Parents don't expose their children to that...with the exception of farmers, but still they don't take their ids to slaughter houses. Any child, early on, who sees the horrors of killing animals will always remember that, or at least they will try to forget in order to eat what their parents put on the table.
I myself eat animal products. I eat fish, cheese, eggs and yogurt. Still, I have to consciously NOT think about where it comes from. The eggs, cheese and yogurt, are not too much of a problem if they come from animals who are free to roam, and not the kind that corporations own and take advantage of. As far as the fish, last night my husband made mahi mahi steaks. At the last bite, I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't 'stop' thinking about this as a living thing that was once free and now is on my plate, not resembling anything like a real fish. UG! My days of being a fish eater are probably over.

I won't even get into what the Chinese do to dogs and some other pets who have become our domestic friends.They don't see them as a living thing with a soul...with feelings, who suffer pain, both emotional and physical. I can barely write about this let alone post a picture. So, the cruelty our animal friends endure in by the hands of humans is painful for me think of, to imagine, but it's there. Do I think God will judge us on how we treat all living things? Damn right God will!!!!!
So, I'm ranting here because I couldn't say this much on facebook, and why should I? I'm trying not to be a pain in the ass there...that's not the place for it. So here I am...people can either read or not...
In the end, the best thing that I can think of to make my point is this picutre:

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