We were so close knit and life was young for all of us. Our faith bound us together. This person's tribute was basically to God, to faith, and to young years.

There were people in his/our lives who have left a lasting impression on us; more than people who have touched us at other times of our lives.

Of course people could comment. One comment said something like "I wonder where they all are now." I sort of take that as not just their physical beings, but their faith, where their lives have taken them. I can only answer that one for me...all the others? I can see their pictures, their quotes, their lives on facebook (again..it's amazing!)
I was a hippy with an idealistic view of how life should be...

Basically; Love. But in my hippy friends I pretty much saw a different story. As it happened, I had an 'experience' with God and saw Jesus, his son, and gave my life to him. (Remember, I totally believe dead people i.e. Jesus, talk to us.) I have been in this life with Jesus for a long, long time. And he has given me all that I need to walk through an imperfect world.

But since those days, the early '70's, I have changed quite a bit and my journey in life has led me in some places I wish I didn't have to go.....but I did. Where is this hippy, Jesus freak now? Where is this idealistic little lady now? I still have that same, simple faith in Jesus Christ....I still know he is with me, and he speaks to me in love and patience.

Reading my friends post brought tears to my eyes...lots of tears, as I remembered those days, those feelings, that faith and how it has changed.. My sister thanked him and said that "sometimes she forgets who she is". I understand! That time did form our identities in a huge way.

I remember going on a missions trip to Mexico. I had signed up, but my faith was waning and I didn't want to go. I honestly didn't feel worthy and my imperfect human-ness had led me down alleys I wasn't wanting to admit.

I decided that I would just go on this two week (or however long it was) trip and when I got back I would never darken the door of any sort of church again. This old friend must have seen it in my face, in my countenance, or something because he came back and said some extremely encouraging words that eventually had me rethink my plan of turning away from faith.

. (He was and is a very strong, wise, and encouraging person.)
Nostalgia: [noncount] : pleasure and sadness that is caused by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could experience it again
And there ya have it....It's late, and I need to get back to reality, get some sleep because I have to work tomorrow...Night all!
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