This totally triggered an angry helplessness in me about the torture of animals. People I love turn their minds and hearts away from the fact that $%^#@*& corporations keep animals in such abhorrent conditions,

strictly to produce almost an impossible amount of food, or flesh or whatever you want to call it, so that humans can feed their greed.

It is inhumane and obscene to say the least. I'm not sure I'm opposed to the small farmer who does this in a humane way. I know that fellow christians will say something to the effect that "God gave us the animals to eat, and do what we want. Remember the scripture in Acts when God gave Peter the vision that he could eat it all?" At about that point in our conversation I say, "Remember that scripture in the bible that talks about how blood was shed ONLY because of sin." That's right....God doesn't want us to eat animals. It was us who sort of told God we wanted to do this and apparently he sort of said okay. But I"m still not sold on that either. Especially if God is who I think he is.

And then of course the stupid government shutdown. I swear, it's like school yard bullying. It's disgusting. My husband, who is very political, says that the tea party clan "forced this". And that may be true. However, why not go to work anyway? Why not just for once, break the rule and go? At this point, if you were with me, I would be looking sad, disgusted and powerless, just shaking my head, or staring into space.

What I need to do is change my thoughts, look out my window where I'm sitting, at the beautiful clear blue sky, the wildness of the mountains, and maybe just sort of dwell on this. Lately, at night, I wake up to the noises of coyotes, javelina's and other wild animals. It's eery and seems to always be in a minor key. Interesting that minor key! Yet it's a scary, beautiful sound that reminds me of something bigger and more iimportant than government or humans evil ways.
When I figured out that the coyote's killed my cat for food, I wanted to shoot every one of them in my sorrow. But my friend Annette reminded me that they don't do it for spite...she said, "Peggy, they're hungry and desperate for food."

So be it. And yes, it's the circle of life..but it's not the circle of a corporation that is greedy and obese.
Ahhhh...redirecting my mind to positive ideas about this whole thing will be a challenge today. Humans, we sure mess things up don't we?

Someday, maybe in the sweet bye and bye we will be free from the pain of bloodshed. I believe that the dead can see us. Some don't believe that. I mean, I believe Jesus sees us and so the christian religion teaches that. If he does, he has to be unhappy. Why does he, as well as other dead people, if indeed they can see us, have to suffer because of our screw ups? Catholics believe in something called purgatory. This is a place where dead people go to sort of see things more clearly and maybe make up for their screw ups here on earth. I've thought about that long and hard and can see that it's possible.
In any case I'll end on this scripture:
¶ The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together;
and a little child shall lead them.
Isaiah 11:6

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