I suppose those "deep inside" feelings are there, crying, waiting, and longing for something to trigger them to be set free with expression, and that is what this video did for me. It showed the work of a photographer who posed total strangers as if they were long lost lovers, brothers, sisters, family.

The moral or essence of the story is that these total strangers, if only for a brief time, cared for one another as if they always have. Just posing as if they were actually in these close relationships with one another, caused the feelings to emanate, allowed that love to be real if only for a short time.

Humanity is a strange species isn't it? Full of mystery, contradictions, love, hate, peace and war. Although I am part of this curious collection of life, sometimes I feel uncomfortable in my own skin only because I see what could be, I see our potential for goodness...or maybe even the goodness that was. Who knows? And because I am a part of the human condition, my heart aches for what has become of us. I know, I'm not being very positive here.

Positivity is my motto. It has to be or I'll go under. Yet tonight it isn't positive feelings that I'm experiencing. It's a sort of nostalgia that seems to be flowing through my veins. It's almost like remembering better days. It's like I've seen the best and the best is not yet to come, but only was.

I have no idea where that comes from, but I do have this mysterious feeling that humans, in all of their complexities, have, can or will be able to (if they try really hard) love one another and remember that we all belong to each other.
You know what? Sometimes I just need a pep talk! Thanks kid!!!!
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