Another blog I have, spacesweetspace, is space...and spaces. I take lots of pics of my space and other people's spaces. I comment on them and hope to inspire . Trouble is: Mother's Day at our church they were kind enough to set up great places to have pics taken with your own camera. Lo and behold the young girl who was taking our picture dropped my camera and broke it....

I sad for all involved. I actually felt sorry for her. She was devasted; about as much as me. I tried not to show it and don't think I did. I actually told her that I got it at Costco and they are always great at returns...NOT> In any case, no camera here, and thus, no pics for my blog. I truly don't have the money to run out and by a new camera, so I was pretty bummed.
I have been in the desert now for about three months and loving my new envoirnment.

Change, however, is another subject of which I will now try to articulate. My in laws came for five weeks so I wasn't really able to get the feel of my new space until they left. Now I am settling in and adjusting to a 1500 square foot home as opposed to a 3,000 square foot home. (However, that is NOT counting the casita. Which is a great point.) I am, by nature, vain, and appreciative of the 'finer' things in life. As a matter of fact I truly think I was a queen in another life, my husband was the court jester, didn't make me laugh and I had his head cut off. Now, for some karmic reason, I am married to him. Don't get me wrong, I am totally in love with him, but still...a queen in a former life????? Go figure. And, maybe???

I am also by faith, a Christian. Nooooo, not the political sort, just the Jesus is God sort. Because of this I have decided to get back to basics and actually think about the teachings of Jesus. Gratitude for one. I am also, by nature, a very grateful person. I have worked with and been friends with people who, materialistically, don't have near what I have. I consder that when I bump into things and stub my toe and cuss because my 3,000 square feet don't exisist anymore.
Last night I decided to make the most of what I had and clean out the two bedrooms in our main house. (The grandkids call it "the big house"...go figure;-) I have two beautiful bedrooms just in the hall from our common areas. (Meaning the living/dining/kitchen area.) Since we have moved here they leave a lot to be desired. As some know, I am into interior design, and these two rooms just were NOT a good example of any talent I claim to have. Soooo, last night I decided to change that. Today also was dedicated to using and beautifying that space. Our front bedroom, when we moved in, had 'princess' blinds, meaning, that when the blinds were closed the full Disney princesses were painted on them...not my taste. I removed them after seriously considering that I should make that room totally my grand daughter's room. Now, the room is a quiet, peaceful space, where there is a single bed with Shabby Chic (Rachel Ahwell) bedding.

I have totally decuttered my life and feel so much lighter. My front bedroom (with the shabby chic bedding) is clutter free, as is the rest of my home, and the closet is organzed and tidy. Not to mention, beautiful.
The back bedroom, which is my husband's office, is another story. When we moved in, it had blinds with a child's theme as well. It was some sort of under water cartoon painted on them. Whatever. I cut them off today, redid the closet and put the printer and other office supplies in there, and it is, in my opinon, aesthetically more than pleasing. I am going to get a futon to put in there because the front bedroom only has a single bed. (The shabby chic genre.) If all goes well, we will be able to house at least 5 guests in our desert home.
There is so much I want to do with this home that requires a lot of money I don't have. In the meantime, I truly feel the need to appreciate the fact that I am in a climate I adore, (Although I'm bracing myself for the hot, hot, hot summer.) I am close to an ocean, and I am in walking distance to anything I would ever need, not to mention a pool, a park (Which is my front yard pretty much) and a neighborhood bar, where everybody knows your name. Well, maybe that's stretching it a tad, but hey, maybe.
I think the lesson I have here that MY God is bringing back to me is gratefulness. It's powerful. Especially with someone like me who is used to soooo many of life's riches. I mean, after nick name should be Queeny.
It's late and I'm tired. Thanks for reading so far. Until next time, so it goes. (As Linda Ellerbee would say.)