So, WTF is not exactly what I wanted this blog to be named. Let me fill you in:....I used to have this anonymous blog on myspace where I felt very comfortable writing about most anything. But as we all know myspace became pretty messed up. At least in my opinion it did. I have always loved to write. Since I was in 7th grade at Catholic grade school, when boys were taboo and I loved them, I had an outlet in writing. As soon as I realized that myspace blog would probably be a thing of the past, I decided to find another place where I could put my feelings and thoughts into words, hopefully anonymously. The wtf was at a time when I was pretty life, as I say, sort of threw up in my face and I had to rethink everything, yes, everything I believed in. Thus the "wtf".....For some reason, although a bit crude for my value system, I kept the name.
So, the wtf speaks volumes in a way. It sort of says "what's going on???" or, "I didnt' expect this to happen." or even, "What the...............what am I supposed to do now???"
There ya have it...the reason why I named my blog 'wtf'. Now, with that aside, I'll go on. I also have a blog called "spacesweetspace" which is entirely dedicated to fashion, which I love, and interior design. Well..I havent' posted for a while because I moved from one state to another and it was quite a big move. I finally got semi settled and guess what? My trusty camera, which is what I used a whole lot for that blog, was dropped and broken....Yep....On Mother's Day I went to church, ready to have my pic taken with my lovely family. The church was kind enough to set up different beautiful settings to have families pics taken with their own of charge of course. I gave my camera to the girl and she dropped it on the was totally in slow motion as I watched the camera plummet to the ground and then stop. She picked it up, of course, not realizing what the consquences were...I had happened before with my fuji camera and I returned to to faithful Costco and it was replaced.

Naturally she felt so bad, and naturally so did I. Everyone sort of minimized the whole thing except the poor girl who dropped it. I felt horrible for her. Here she was, trying to do something nice for families and yet now, she destroyed a $150 or more camera. She was devasted and I felt so bad for her. I tried to make her feel better and told her I'd take it back to Costco because they were great at returns. Then, when I went in for service, I felt like crying. I don't have the money to actually replace it , and it made all sorts of finacial decisions over the course of my life come into to the surface and stare me in the face, laughing..yes, laughing at all the crappy decisions I'd made. I just sat there.
So, there ya have it. However, this blog isn't over. There are things much more important than 'material things'. I know, I know. Most people say that and it's just a nice, obvious, thing to say...but I mean it. Lately I've been a bit down; no friends yet, no job yet, and feeling despartely insecure at finding a new job and making some extra income. My sweet son in law called me this morning just to see 'how I was'...knowing that it's not too easy readjusting to a differnt environment. I was skeptical when he called and wondered what he really wanted. Well, what he really wanted was to see how I was. I'm so thankful for a great son in law. I'm also so grateful for my daughter, my son, my sisters...(Thanks for talking to me every day Debbie) and for all the things I actually do have.

Well, it's pretty late and I have a job interview with that I'll say good night, Take care of yourselves because there is someone who really loves you.
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