Okay, moving, having in laws here for way too long, and then running out of money that you thought you had is sort of caving in on me. But the grand finale is the hair color. I'm a vain person. Anyone who remotely knows me knows that. I am not trying to judge myself, although it's very difficult not to, I will refrain. In any case, I put a lot of emphasis on my looks. I like beautiful things and looking in the mirror seeing a nice looking face peering back at me is a joy. Not so much tonight. I look in the mirror and see, well..I see an older woman with coal black, chalky black hair.

I love my little sister Michael Ann. I immediately called her because she is a stylist. I panicked and let her know. "Michael Ann...please (because it was really way too late to make a call.) I have a disaster. She came to my aid, stepped up to the plate and told me to get my trusty Dawn dish detergent and wash my hair a few times. And that I did. To no avail, I'm sorry to say. It still is hair coated in a black, sort of, ink.
Now I won't go into detail, but too many in laws and way too long had led me to too many glasses of wine, which of course leads to too many calories and well....you know the rest. I feel fat as well as freaky.

Is there a message here for me somewhere??? In any case, my dear sweet sister told me that I actually did have options, although pricey, and just put a ball cap on and go to the nearest Wella Salon. She even helped me locate one in my area. Thanks to my dear, wonderful, little sis...for sure, I owe you.
Still, it's after one and I'm drinking wine , which I said I was going to have a break from for at least a few days. I'm tired, feeling extremely ugly, and not in the mood for much of anything. I think that possibly the lesson here is one that I knew over 35 years ago; and that is, ego is not ever something real or genuine. Ah, easier said than done. I see two people in me; one is that of a person who wants so much to be spiritually astute and senstive to what really matters. The other 'person' I see in me is the vain, materialistic woman who values all that is said to be not so valuable...and possibly that is true..that ego and vanity is just not worth the time or effort. In the mean time I'm here, with coal black hair, and a bit of a belly from too much wine to sedate my lack of tolerance for in laws I just don't understand.
And having said all that I think I'll say good night and I'll fill you in on how the hair saga goes tomorrow...Adieu
Crap! I'm the fatty on the left! My pleasure dear sister, anytime!
ReplyDeleteYou're NOT....I love you.