It is a happy day for me anyway.

There has been a lot of reaction that isn't necessarily what I expected. For one, there are some out there that may think me a total reprobate because I actually rejoice over this 'mission accomplished.' I don't get it. This is a so called man who accepted responsibility for the killing of 3,000 people, innocent people.

Some critics, to my understanding, give me the impression we are not to rejoice over his death. . . Well I, for one, rejoice in his murder. Call me a creep, call me someone who hasn't arrived yet, but that is that.
Another surprise for me was that some of my Christian 'brothers and sisters' used this victory as another way to be a hater to Obama. How sad is that? Life can be very, very disappointing.
I do want to thank all responsible for this significant victory. The troops, the masterminds who discussed the details such as the Pakastani government and how to deal with them, former President Bush and our current President Obama. My very wise and intelligent daughter reminded me today that this world is certainly not perfect and it isn't the way it was meant to be. (Although I know that.) Still, life needs to go on, justice needs to be served and it would be nice if humans recognize love, justice and unity. Without unity any relationship, whether it be between two individuals or a whole country, will fall.
So, what else is there tonight? My heart is happy and heavy at the same time. Happy for many things really...sort of rambling here..but happy that a major figurehead in terrorism is dead, happy that I live in this country, happy that I have a beautiful home, a healthy family, and really most everything anyone could ask for.

My heart is heavy because of course evil isn't abolished totally, some of my personal relationships aren't going as planned and lastly, I feel fat...yeah that's right, I feel fat tonight. (Gasp gasp!)

But all in all I have so much to be grateful for...All of us do..Let's just meditate on those things...Love to all! See ya next time.
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