Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Speaking of Israel

I had a great night with my daughter and then later my daughter and her husband.  We started talking about Israel and my heart felt a little sad.  I lived there years ago on a kibbutz. 

It was my dream to go there, live and learn the language, and tell the Jews about Jesus. (I was a Jesus freak of the 70's).  I not only did that, but found a husband and convinced him that Jesus was indeed, his Messiah. But that was dream ago.  Since then it's been a journey, to say the least. I always wanted to return to Israel, I love it so.  I specifically wanted to live in Haifa because I loved the British architecture which was predominate in that city by the ocean. 

Fortunately, my daughter and my son were able to spend two weeks there a couple of years ago and she reminded me that there is something very special there...a feeling....a spirit...something!  I was able to visit a few years ago and it was like seeing a long, lost love.  Just getting off the plane the feeling hit me, hit me hard.  I felt home. If a country could be a 'soul mate', Israel was mine.  My husband and I only spent a week there, but it was like I had never left, other than the fact that it seemed all grown up and sophisticated from the pioneer spirit it had when I lived there.  Still, there was something that was so familiar and right about it.  When we had to go home, I was teary eyed and sad.

Talking with my daughter about it, and my experiences there so many years ago, made my heart ache.  I don't know why I never returned like I had wanted...well..I sort of do..but not really.  I'm too used to the spoiled American way and the easy life I know and have known for the past 35 years.  Still, my heart aches for what could have been. 

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