It's been a while. But here I am, wanting to write and trying to think of all things I told myself that I'd write about. Go figure...can't really zero in on any of the subjects I thought of...but so be it. I'll wing it. A recent thread I've been participating in on fb is about dreams. I have an old friend I respect and am fond of, who thinks that dreams are things we should just dismiss as something caused by what we eat. Actually, I'm not so sure where he thinks the origin of our dreams come from. Me? I'm actually a Carl Jung fan and align my 'dream beliefs' with his.
I beleive that dreams help us figure out who we are and what sort of emotional dilema's we have not dealt with in our life.

Dreams helped me realize that there were events in my life from way back that I hadn't really dealt with so that I could have a total healing. (If there is such a thing.) It started when I was almost 18. I had a boyfriend whom I had been with for two years. I dreampt he was in a helicopter accident...and the next night he was in a jeep accident and died. He was not driving. It, obviously, was devastating because I loved him very much, and at that young age humans seem to be so vulnerable to most things.

The dreams that followed were critical in my development as a person.
I had a specific dream that I will share with you: I was visiting my boyfriends grave, cleaning and tidying up the area. As I leaned on the headstone, it cracked and I sort of fell in. It wasn't deep, down to the coffin itself, but it was deep enough that I lost my balance and my right elbow and right side fell in.
There, in the crevice was my birth certificate. With that, I woke up. "WOW"...I thought, this means something.
Not long after I 'got saved" in the Jesus Movement.

At the church I attended I was taught that dreams were actually nothing but results of spicy foods one eats. Hmmmmmmm....It was okay by me because to actually have to delve further into my psyche was more than I could handle at the time.
Things have a way with catching up with us though. The dream about the cememtary and my birth certificate happened soon after the Jesus movement experience. I have dreamed dreams since then that sort of led me on a journey of healing. When I decided to take note of my dreams, everything changed...I changed. I believe that dreams are God's secret language of healing. (There's a book called just that, "Dreams, God's Secret Language"
Okay, moving on. Studying Carl Jung and his theories sort of coincided with my journey. As a Christian, I look to the bible as my main source. Jung's theories never once went against anything that would deny my faith. Actually, it was the opposite. His theories have helped me deal with and perhaps understand something as abstract as dreams.
So, there ya have it. In summary, I pay attention to my dreams. Not too closely because a person dreams every night and I don't remember what I dream for the most part. But when I do, I take note. My "gut" tells me when I need to look into the matter of the abstract venue of the dream world
In the meantime...I have been happy with a new job as Site Director with k12 program. It's a God send for sure. I hope all of you have a great beginning to another fabulous year. Love you all and take care.
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