Dear Younger Self,
Find that strength in you and realize it's a God given force. Don't deny it, don't minimize it. Use it and ponder it. It will serve you well.
Always know that you can create a reality with intention. But, there is something way bigger than intention, and that is a personal God who loves you and is much stronger than you are. Yes, there is someone out there that is bigger than you.
Know that things work out for the best. That's just a mystery of life that if you believe it, it's uncanny how true it really is.
You really are beautiful.
You really are intelligent, just be patient.
You really can get what you want; just be sure it's what you want in the end. Because sometimes what you want will turn on you.

If you decide to have kids, DO NOT let other people tell you how to raise them. God has given you what you need.
Spanking a child will NEVER do what you want it to do IF you're trying to teach them something other than anger.
If you decide to marry, always remember, they are just human. He can't save you from anything.
Get your degree....better yet, get a few degrees. You'll never regret it.
Learn to love yourself, otherwise you'll never really be able to love others.
Don't eat unless you're hungry.
Always tell those you love that you love them. You never know when it will be the last time.
Your parents are really doing the best that they can do.
Forgive yourself, forgive others.

Don't read or listen to the news.

Simon and Garfunkel were right, you can gather all the news you need from the weather report.
Take special notice of your dreams.

Know who your real friends are, they will be there for life....sometimes that's so hard to do, but eventually you'll know.

In the end, your true friends will always tell you they love you no matter what.
Blood really isn't thicker than water.

Love your children, but let them go...they're not yours.
Love your husband, but let him go, he too, is not really yours.

Know that love never goes away. Those that you loved, you will always love.

And ALWAYS ............................................

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