It's okay, it's all good. Last night's election brought out more than just who the next president is. I have called myself a Christian now for forty years, but last night's events, and comments and feelings have caused me to totally rethink my whole "label"
Even so, I think that most of my former Christian friends won't have a problem with that as I believe they don't want to hear me babble on and on about my beliefs or even be exposed to my life or thoughts.
I am celebrating that President Obama is going to serve four more years, however, if anyone else had taken his place, I would have supported that person with respect, knowing what an overwhelming position the President of the United States is. I would have also shown respect for someone other than my choice candidate because I truly believe that God put him/her there. (Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them.)

What concerns me the most is that as I considered myself a woman of faith, a woman who loves and follows Jesus, and because I vote for someone who believes in choice, there are some who question the validity of me calling myself a "christian". In other words, please get out of our family, our club.
That is fine, and so be it. I am tired of trying to prove to people that I do want to follow in the ways of Jesus...that I do love him as much as I possibly can and that I do care about all he taught. I have to say, after studying the bible, I've decided to focus more on Jesus' teachings, Jesus' life and Jesus' ways rather than that of anyone else in the bible.
My venting will now begin: I am disheartened, disgusted and finally, cognizant that I will not be ashamed or hide what I have come to believe as what is truth, love and justice.
No, no, I haven't arrived nor will I in this life....but I know that I have thought and rethought what I believe for a long, long time now. I have questioned over and over my motives as to why I have had doubts, what I truly want to see, and how I will need to get there. From my understanding of what Jesus taught, I believe the Beatles were right; love really is the answer.

And honestly, that is my yardstick of how I define love, that and the life of Christ. Jesus' love was unconditional and that is where I want to be; in a place where I can love my enemies, believe the best about all, and in every situation really ask, "what would Jesus do?".

So, I'm not there yet. Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be writing. I guess this is sort of a grieving process of letting go of old behaviors that were not in line as to what I believe as truth. It will take a long time to measure up to that First Corinthian yardstick, but that is my goal.
In the meantime, I continue on with the journey, pray for myself to be kind and loving and yet accept the fact that I am who I am and that's all that I am. Hey, wasn't that Popeye?
Peace to you all and here's to another four years. "How blessed are those who make peace, because it is they who will be called God's children!" Matthew 5:9

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