But it's not just any evening, it's the evening that millions of people are voting for either a new president, or voting to keep the previous one in.
Most people, no matter what "side" they're on, most will agree, this has been the most hateful campaign ever. I don't know if it's because we're all just selfish and opinionated egotists, or if there is honestly an undercurrent of something else. I think the fact that stands out most is that no matter who a person is for, they are right, and their values are superior and the other party is something to feared and counted as evil. Never the twain shall meet. Indeed, there is a tension in the air and it has touched almost everyone that I have come in contact with; young and old, rich or poor. There is tension.

Friends and families have been viciously divided, debates on facebook and other social sites and blogs are never ending. It is, to say the least, extremely discouraging. Why can't we adhere to a higher standard?

I've been trying to distract myself. Rearranging the house, flying to the beach to see my son, working out and just plain working are a few of my choices. But I can't escape the fact that this whole situation points to something deeper, something far more complicated than just who will lead our country. I believe it points to what each us of value and understand and hold dear, deep within our souls.

However is there just a slight possibility that we just could be wrong? Maybe? That our so called values haven't just been dictated to us by some authority figure that we either liked, admired or had to submit to for one reason or another? Sometimes it's more difficult to think for ourselves than we realize. Then we really have to read, research, think and hear all sides.

The people that I respect and admire the most are the ones who really aren't sure they are right. The ones who question themselves and their own choices. (And they are few and far between!) The people who are so sure they are right, who are smug and arrogant about what should come to be in our country, the ones who believe that abortion is wrong, but war,....well...it's just a "horrible" necessity, those are the ones that 'challenge' me the most.

Ooops, again I digress. So tonight I'm getting a much needed massage. (It's been over two years.) It's another great distraction. I'll watch part of the election results, and I'll wonder the whole time why people constantly say "your vote counts", when really, I don't believe it does.

I'll raise my glass to another election..cheers (I can't wait until it's over.)
And Obama wins...I'm thankful he'll be here for another four years.