There is this thought that has gone around that God values human life over a dog's life. I have to question and then disagree with that. If it is true that God values dogs up there with humans, then I am a lot like God. There have been times when I have been berated and thought a bit, if not a lot, eccentric about my love for animals. In the grim discussion about abortion is when it usually surfaces and when I am usually judged.
Moving along. I will tell you the reasons why I love dogs, and pretty much all animals as much as humans, if not sometimes more.
1. It is now proven, by science, that dogs are much more intelligent than we used to believe. In an article in Time Magazine a while back the cover story was about animals. In that article it said that scientists have said that even the dog of the lowest intelligence has the mind of a two year old. That makes sense. So then, how much smarter the other dogs?

(Uhhhh...by the way, just for your information, my baby Tasha is part Australian Cattle Dog....#10...Yep!)

2. Once you win a dog's heart, that dog will be yours forever. I was speaking with someone the other day and they were telling me a true story about a dog that, after it's human friend died, that dog would go back to where he/she was last with him and sit and wait. Supposedly the dog did this for over fifteen years.

Another story I saw on Animal Planet was that of a young man who went to night school. Every night he would come home and his faithful Golden would be at the window barking with sheer joy at the young man's return. One night, when the young man was on his way home a stranger came up from behind, poked a gun in his back and told him to keep walking and not make a sound.
When the man was telling the story he said that as he approached his apartment there was no joyful barking, no dog at the window, nothing. He figured the stranger had already been there and probably killed his dog friend.
As they entered the apartment, the gun still poking the man's back, they walked further into the entryway of the dark space. Then, out of the shadows, the dog jumped the back of the man and started ripping into him with his teeth; tearing him everywhere, not stopping for a moment.

The evil stranger panicked, dropped the gun and ran like a bat out of hell. This is a true story.
3. There are no bad dogs, but there are bad people.

Notice in this picture the dog has urinated from fear.
I honestly had a hard time posting these pictures, and I don't usually look at them.....but this is reality, this is what happens. These humans are BAD for doing it, if not border line evil.
A dog, according to my religion, has no sin. There ya have it...that should speak for itself. But they do have emotion and intelligence.

So if a dog is abused, neglected or disrespected, that dog will probably not be as kind as one would want it to be. I won't even get into what humans have done to particular breeds.
Right now Pit Bulls are totally being picked on. Nope, not as many humans have been pointed out to have done this to this breed. We just pick on the dog's breed. Sort of what we do to human minorities.
4. Dogs are much more in tune to the sixth sense.

I love that. I think that's why the dog in the story above sort of hid in the dark and waited for the evil stranger that held his man friend hostage. They just know when something is wrong, or right for that matter. Dogs will know when you need them, they will know when to leave you alone. Case in point: I was extremely upset on one occasion (really on several, but I'm using this one in particular. I was in my room, sitting on the floor, sobbing. Both of my faithful dogs immediately came up to me and started licking my face. That's not something they normally did. They just kept licking despite the fact that I told them to stop and leave me alone, and tried shooing them away. They were persistent and didn't quit until I started laughing. To be honest, I can't even tell you why I laughed, but they knew they had to keep going until I did.
If I were to write a book with millions of words, I still wouldn't be able to get my point across that dogs really are a human's best friend. I adore my babies and always will. From the first dog I can remember (Taffy) to my dogs now, Tasha and Lexy, I will love them beyond words and will always fight againts cruel humans who abuse, neglect and destroy them without thinking twice.

That is why animal rights, not human abortion, is my "issue".

Unique article!
Kai | www.dogica.com