Although it's a day to think about all we, as humans, are grateful for, I feel that I have this awareness of how fortunate I am just embedded inside of me. When I was very young, about nine or ten, my father called me downstairs and said there was something that he wanted me to see.
Leaving my very beautiful room, that was mine and mine alone; no sharing, I trotted down the stairs and turned to look at the images on the screen. They were black and white images of what looked like remnants of what used to be human beings. The bones were sticking out from under their skin so prominently that at first glance I wasn't sure if there was actually skin covering the bones. These walking skeletons wore striped clothing that of course looked way too big. The expression on their faces were blank and lifeless.

Before I could ask any questions, my father said something like this: "These are your relatives. You are related to these people." And he proceeded to tell me the horrors of the Holocaust. From that day on there wasn't a time I didn't lie in the bath tub and think about how grateful I was that I could actually clean the dirt off my body with clean, fresh water, and lovely, sweet smelling soap. Little did I know that for the rest of my life, I would always think of those images and always remember the story of "my relatives".

As I sit here on my extremely beautiful bed, with clean linens, fresh air coming in from an open window and the view of magnificent mountains just the other side of our street, I can't help but think what a wonderful life I have lived, and am living.
I had a friend long ago that went through a difficult time in her life. I asked her how she could even get past this sad thing. She told me that when she took her morning walks she would just start thanking God. She would thank God for her eyesight, for her legs that enabled her to walk, for her hearing, for her lungs, and the list went on. Just as my father's words about the Holocaust affected me, so did my friends story of how grateful she was for things that I took advantage of.
The definition of 'grateful; is: "warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received." I have received so much from God that I don't ever want to take advantage of all that I have and will have.
So, having said that, I will now make a list of all that I am thankful for. You ready??? Here goes...
I am thankful for my parents.

I am thankful for second chances,

and thirds and fourths, and etc..... I honestly am amazed at how much God loves me. He knows my failures and yet he keeps on putting opportunities out there for me to make successes. I am thankful to God for that.
I am thankful for my husband who has been with me for over thirty six years.

I mean, he's not an angel or a saint, but he is my husband, my man, and he, above all others, has seen me at my worst. He has also seen me at my best and reminds me of all the good in me. That is priceless.
I am thankful for my children. They are healthy, happy, and travelling on their journeys of life in a way that makes me proud.

I am thankful for relationships. In particular I am thankful for Michael Ann who was there for me in my darkest hour. I am thankful for her unconditional love and support. I am thankful for her laughter and her never ending encouragement.

I am thankful for my home. My wonderful, beautiful, comfortable, amazing home.

I am thankful that every morning I wake up to the sun rising over the mountain outside my bedroom window. I am thankful that I have everything I have ever wanted.
I can't forget to be thankful for angels...and two of my angels just happen to be in the form of my dogs. Really all the little furry friends that I have been fortunate to have befriend me. But for now, I'll just mention Lexy and Tasha, who are with me as I type.

I love them so much. I have never, ever had such faithful, loyal, compassionate friends as these...thank you God for allowing me to be loved by these.
If I could make a list for the specific things that I am thankful for, this blog would not end. So I'll end here ith the main thing that I am thankful for. I am thankful for my friend Jesus...I say that in faith as I've never physically met him. ( You may already know that.) However I've seen him in the corners of my mind, the landscape of my heart. I hear him tell me he is with me, and in my dark times, I feel his strength tell me to keep hanging on, at least for now, until we meet.

So there ya have it...You all have a great holiday and know there will never, every be another 2012 Thanksgiving. So cherish it and don't take your loved ones for granted....they too, won't last forever.
Sending my love to you and yours.
Really beautiful sister....really beautiful. I am so grateful as well to walk life's journey with such an amazing soul as you! xoxo