Today is my daughter's 34th birthday. Thirty four years ago, I was in the hospital and had been in labor for about ten hours already. My due date July 25th and all the nurses kept telling me "any time now." Yeah right.....It wasnt' until 10:30 that my daughter would be able to take her first breath air in this world. In those days, no one knew if they would have a boy or a girl so I had the nursery decorated in yellow and white and unfortunately a tiny bit of brown because the carpet had brown in it. In any case, it was a sunny room waiting for this new addition to our marriage. I want to say family, but we didn't feel like a family yet. There was a scripture that had been on my mind about a three fold cord is difficult to break. Thirty four years later it still rings true.
By about 10p.m. on July 24th I was in the hospital in labor. My husband patiently sat with me trying his best to help me with Lamaze and make me as comfortable as possible. At 10 0'clock the 25th, after pushing as hard as I was able, the doctor decided to do a C-section. Little did I know that my baby was stuck in my pelvis and was trying to get out but couldn't make it; her life was in danger. Also in those days you were knocked out and your husband wasn't allowed in the operating room.
I'm not sure what time they wheeled me to my room, but as they were, they brought this tiny, perfect, porcelain baby girl in what appeared to be a glass fish aqarium to my bedside. She was lying on her side with her eyes as wide open as if she had them open like that for the last nine months. Her hair was thick and her eyes looked black as coal, her skin white as cotton....and her tiny little mouth, her tiny little lips indeed, looked just like a miniture rose bud. I can't describe to you the love that hit me. It was like this thing that had been around for centuries and now it was covering me inside and out. Almost like a baptisim. I had never experienced it before and now it was me. I knew in my mind this love existed, but now I knew in my heart and soul. And of course I cried. I wasn't able to talk to her then, but our eyes did.
Our eyes communicate. I'm hoping she understood.

Besides her own mommy, she had so many people that adored her. Her Granny Jo lived next door for quite awhile. She would always go play at her house. Granny Jo loved having her so close! Her grandmother thought she was the most beautiful girl, inside and out, in the world.

It's still disapointing to me that I had a C-Section. I should have taken her in my arms immediately and talked to her. Babies know when that bonding occurs. I was there for my grandson's birth and I was the first one in this life to actually speak to him, not at him. I know that he knew...it definately was a bonding. I only pray that Shauna, my new baby girl, had God's miracle on her and she understood what my eyes were saying to her. I don't think most people realize that babies intuitively know when they are being loved and what affect that has upon them for the rest of their lives.
Now, thirty four years later and I truly can't believe how fast it's gone. Seriously!!!

Now, my baby girl has babies of her own. Unbelievable.

So, to my girl Shauna, I love you and always will...for eternity!
"And still it's from her that you learned that whatever she has chosen to become, you'll still feel proud of her simply because she has the key to your heart forever. "
Author: unknown"And still it's from her that you learned that whatever she has chosen to become, you'll still feel proud of her simply because she has the key to your heart forever. "
Author: unknown
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